19- It's torture

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"No sir, you don't understand!" The famous blonde singer shouts through the phone. "Karlie Kloss." She repeats sternly for the 100th time. "Yes- no i'm not family, I'm her girlfr- what do you mean I can't receive any information?! Well I wanna speak to the boss of the CSP then!"

The superstar paces around her bedroom while waiting for someone else to come on the phone. When she has waited for more than half and hour, she realises she has been hung up on, again.

"FUCK!" She shouts through the room as she throws the phone onto the bed with a great force. The devices bounces to the side and onto the ground, where it starts buzzing again. Taylor almost jumps onto the ground and answers the call. "Yes?" She asks quickly.

"Taylor? Are you okay?"

Taylor sighs, this not being the person she wanted to hear. Actually she didn't want to hear any other voice than Karlie's at this point. "Yes." Taylor answers. "Hi, Selena."

"Would you like to come over and have dinner with me toni-" Selena asks through the phone as blonde woman lies down on the bed. 

"You know I can't. I still haven't heard anything from her." Taylor sighs, tears already treating to roll down her face once more.


"I'm sure everything's okay Tay." Selena tries to assure her. "She's a secret agent, she probably has to stay.. secret sometimes."

"I literally heard a gunshot Sel. Multiple gunshots and then nothing." Taylor says, panic raising up in her mind again. "What if she's.."

"Don't think like that.." Selena interrupts her with a soft voice, wanting to calm her friend down. 

"I tried contacting every single person on this planet to hear from her the passed couple of weeks." Taylor says, her voice raspy as she is actually crying now. "It's been a month already Selena. A fucking month and I heard nothing." She sobs.

"I know.." Selena breathes through the phone, finding it heard to comfort her friend in this situation. "I hope she's okay." She adds. 

Taylor lets out a deep breath and nods, even though she knows her friend won't be able to see it. They stay on the line for a while still before Meredith starts meowing through the house, the princess is hungry.

"Ill call you later." Taylor says, her voice soft as she speaks. 

"Okay." Selena says. "It'll be okay Taylor."

Taylor hangs up the phone and drags herself off the bed. A whole month she hadn't heard anything from her. Gunshots, and then a month of silence. 'What if ill never speak to her again?' She thinks to herself as she walks down the stairs. She shakes her head rapidly to get the dark thoughts out but tears roll down her face anyway. 

She opens the cat food drawer, the sound of it making the two happy balls of fur run to the kitchen. They stroke their bodies against Taylor's legs while she fills their bowls. "Enjoy." She says, petting their heads for a minute before walking back upstairs, where she collapses onto her bed.


Three months and one week. It has been three months and one week since Taylor's Skype call with her girlfriend. Three months and one week without any contact between them. Three months and one week of Taylor thinking her girlfriend might be dead.

A loud buzz sound through the house and Taylor stirs out of her thoughts. She sits up in bed, her neck and back sore from the lack of movement in her body for a couple of days, weeks, maybe months. The blonde singer doesn't even know how long she has been in her house now. She didn't want to go outside, not without knowing if her girlfriend was okay, or even still alive.

The singer feels nauseous and dizzy, not even remembering how and when she got into her bed last night. She doesn't know what time it is, or even what day it is.

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