20- Not fine at all

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A loud bang, a flash and an ear piercing scream. That's all Taylor remembers. That's all her mind has been filled with for.. for all the time it has been dark now.

"When will she wake up?" She hears a muffled voice ask. She recognises the voice but can't pin down who it belongs to. She tries speaking up but can't make any sounds and so she lays there, eyes closed.

"We can't say yet." She hears a man's voice say then. "And we don't know in which state she'll be." 

"How do you mean?" The other voice asks. The blonde singer can hear it's a female voice now.


"She has been in a coma for a full week now. We don't know what she will be like when she wakes up." The male voice explains.

The woman remains quiet for a while then. "And how is.. how is Karlie doing?" 

Taylor wants to scream. She wants to move. Were they talking about her Karlie?

"Miss Kloss is.. in critical danger still." The man says. "We.. we don't know if she will wake up." 

Taylor hears the woman gasp. Never has she felt this helpless. She wanted so badly to open her eyes and see Karlie. Her Karlie.

"Can I go see her as well?" The woman asks, Taylor now recognises the voice. Its her manager, Tree.

"You can." The man says. Taylor thinks this man might be a doctor. "She's on the intensive care unit still." 

'I want to go too!' Taylor thinks, wanting to scream those words out loud. 

"Yes." Tree says. "Thank you." 

Taylor hears footsteps and assumes the two people have left, but then hears a voice softly speak to her. "Ill keep an eye on her for you Taylor." Someone says. It isn't Tree, It's Selena.

She sounds like she's crying. "Please wake up soon." She says. Taylor feels Selena touch her arm shortly before she hears her heels click as she walks out of the room. All she hears then are the beeps of her own heart rate from the computer beside her bed.


Another day passes. Another day of Taylor vaguely hearing voices around her but her body not functioning well enough yet to even open her eyes. That changes however, on a Monday evening at 9.21pm. 

Her mother is sat beside her bed, together with her father and Austin, her brother. She had recognised all of their voices. "Mom?" She hears herself say softly. She then hears her mother gasp. "She's waking up!" She hears her say to the rest. She slowly opens her eyes, but the lights in the room are way too bright for someone who has slept for more than a week. 

"Mom?" She repeats. 

"Yes sweetie, i'm here."

Taylor tries opening her eyes again. White flashes fill her head at first but then she starts seeing her mother's silhouette around the bed. "Thank god." She hears her dad say, her mother had grabbed her hand now. 

Taylor closes her eyes once more, the room being too bright. 

"Austin, can you get a nurse, so they know she's awake?" Her father says to her brother, who doesn't say anything. His footsteps are heard, quickly pacing to the nurse office.

 "We're so happy you're awake honey." Her mom says then. Taylor opens her eyes again, the light still as bright but her eyes a little more adjusted to them.

Her mouth is so dry, and her lips feel dry as well. She tries bringing a hand up to her face but she fails and leaves it somewhere halfway her stomach. "Water.." She breathes. Her mother lets out a surprised sound and rushes towards the sink. Taylor's eyes remain open then, as she looks around the room. 

"Welcome back." Her dad says, squeezing her hand. She tries smiling a small smile at him, hoping to reassure him she's okay now. Meanwhile her mom returns with a glass of water, which she gives to her daughter. "Can you hold it yourself?" She asks, placing the plastic cup in Taylor's left hand. The blonde singer nods and manages to bring the cup to her lips. She gulps all of the water down then, being as thirsty as she was. She then feels some tube sticking out of her nose. 

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