20- Dark clouds

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"So now what?" Taylor asks her manager while wiping her tears away.

"The police is tracking down where the phone signal came from and looking up where the location is that they have sent you." Tree says, all on one breath. Taylor nods, still wiping her tears away. Selena is sat in a chair on the opposite of the room and looks at her with an empathic smile on her face. 

Taylor gets up from the chair. "Is there a bathroom here?" She asks her manager.

"Down that hallway on the left." Tree says, seeming to understand that Taylor needs some time to herself. Taylor nods once again and gets up. At first she's a bit dizzy and so she stands there for a couple of seconds, looking around, before her legs start to move towards the bathroom.

The last months had gone by so slowly but this day.. this day had passed so quickly. It started like any other day the passed few months and then it turned a little bit better when Camila came to her house and cheered her up. She had actually believed for one second then, that things would and could get better. But then that video appeared. The video that changed everything. 

Taylor's world was falling apart and so was she.

She opens the bathroom door and switches on the light. The bathroom is old looking and feels cold. Taylor shivers while she walks to the sink. She looks in the mirror to look at her reflection once more. She does look a little better than she had done this morning. A little make-up can do miracles.

Taylor sees the whole showbiz world as this layer of make-up. Everything is fake and is made to look better than it actually is in reality. Its cruel and ridiculous when you think about it. But it is how it works and it's definitely what Taylor is used to now. She has been in 'the business' for about ten years now and has grown into the fake smiles and made up speeches and interviews. This was the first interview in a long time where she had been 100 percent honest. 

A tear makes it's way down her cheek. 

"Why?" She asks herself out loud. "Why her? Why Karlie?" Her knees give in and while sobbing softly, she slowly sinks down. The floor feels cold, but so does she so why would she care. She lays down onto the floor and let's everything sink in.

It's when she hears a knock on the door that she opens her eyes. "Taylor?" A female voice asks. Taylor knows who it is. "Oh Tay.." The person says, kneeling down next to her.

 Taylor lets all of her sobs go free then, sobbing loudly as she lays on the floor, hugging her own body with her arms. 

"Come here." The person says, grabbing Taylor's arms. The blonde singer let's herself be leaded towards the person.

"Why her?" She sobs. "Why didn't they just kill me already? Why torture her?" 

"Because they want you to suffer." Selena states simply. "They know you love her."

Taylor aggressively wipes her tears away while she sits on the floor together with her best friend, who hugs her tightly. "How do they know though?" She wonders then.

"What do you-"

"How do they know Karlie and I are together?" Taylor says, sitting up straight after shaking herself out of Selena's hold. 

"No one knows or well, knew instead of.. you." 

The two women stay quiet for a while. 

"You don't think that I did anything right?" Selena asks doubtfully.

"No, no of course not." Taylor says quickly. "I.. I just don't understand how they could've known how much she means to me." She looks into her best friend's eyes, who looks back into hers.

"I don't know either." Selena says, in all honesty.

"It doesn't matter." Taylor says. "We have to fix this now."

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