Chapter 1: International champions

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At 10:30pm, the night of the world championships of A Cappella 2014, they announced that the Barden Bellas had won. Of course, DSM were stronger with their strong, techno sounds and outstanding choreography. Most members of DSM thought there had been a mix up.
"I demand a recount!" A member shouts.
"This can't be right!" Another shouts.
"Calm down, guys. We'll get them next time. Besides, what's it to us? We win all the time." The co - leader, Pieter Krämer says. His girlfriend aka the leader of Das Sound Machine, Kommissar had already gone missing as she was too ashamed to be seen. Pieter looks for her. She was in the dressing room on her own with her head in her hands, crying softly. He comforts her. After an hour of confusion and devastation they get back on
the bus and go back to their hotel rooms to try and figure out what they did wrong.
"Me. I-it's... All my fault. At the start. I landed funny and I hurt my ankle. I was out of tune, a step behind. I can't believe we-" Kommissar says before Pieter cuts across.
"It's not your fault. I don't know what happened but right now that's not important. Are you okay? Let me take a look at your foot darling,"
She nods and gasps slightly as he takes off her black camo boots. "Yep. Sprained." He gets some ice for her and lays next to her on the bed. Everyone went back to their rooms. A couple of minutes later they decided to drink some alcohol and watch a couple of movies to try and take their minds off things. But did they?

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