Chapter 20: Matilda's Birthday Party

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Chapter 20: Matilda's Birthday Party.
Kommisar's and Pieter's family came to visit. They all enjoyed a BBQ outside in the huge garden and Matilda had a few friends over.
Later on that day she starts getting upset. Matilda walks over to Pieter, who had a bottle of beer in his hands, talking to his friends.
"Daddy," she pulls on his arm.
"Yes birthday girl?" He says.
"Mommy and nanny and everyone was just speaking about Henry and ignored me!"
"Don't be silly. Mommy isn't ignoring you. She's busy feeding Henry. Wait until she's finished talking then go and see them,"
She goes up to them.
"Mommy I want cuddles." She interrupts.
"I said in a bit love. I'm feeding Henry. Are you enjoying your party?" Asks Kommissar.
"No it's boring now. Lily just pushed me and I got hurt mommy."
"I think it was an accident. Why don't you play with some of your presents?"
Matilda looks down. "They're not even good presents." She pouts. She did the same pout Pieter did when he was upset.
"Excuse me? Matilda don't be rude. Smile. It's your birthday. You can't be sad on your birthday." Kommissar says, looking at her. Matilda sits down and folds her arms before grabbing one of Henry's toys that was near her and throwing it. "Right. I want you to walk away from me now and change your attitude. You can come back when you're ready to apologise." Says Kommissar.
Matilda kicks Kommissar's leg hard. Kommissar raised a brow.
"Stop. Or everyone's going home and I'm putting all your toys in the bin."
Matilda screams and kicks her again. "Fat whore!" Shouts Matilda. People start to look over at them. Kommissar gives Henry to Allie and takes Matilda's hand.
"Inside. Now. You naughty girl. Naughty step for Matilda." Says Kommissar, calmly. Matilda punches and kicks Kommissar. Pieter comes over and helps out.
They put her on the naughty step and she cries loudly.
Kommissar goes back outside to finish feeding Henry while Pieter sits with Matilda.
"Go away daddy! I hate you! I just want no body!" She hits him.
He smacks her bottom once, not very hard.
She screams and cries loudly.
"When you've calmed down. You can go back outside and you can say sorry to mommy. Then you can either play nicely on the bouncy castle or you can go to bed. If I hear that you've been naughty, you'll get a smacked bum and bed. Got that?" He says. She lays down on the naughty step.
Twenty minutes later, Pieter carries her outside as she was tired. She clung to him so he carried her for a while. He speaks with some old friends of his.
"Look how much you've grown, little one." One of his friends say.
"She's got long legs like daddy," Pieter says, smiling. Matilda rests her head on Pieters chest.

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