Chapter 16: Curse Words

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Chapter 16: Curse Words.
Matilda cried loudly the whole way home. Kommissar took her inside and got the shopping in. She went to Pieter, who was on the sofa on his own, eating a sandwich. He had a few minutes off for lunch. Matilda ran to him.
"Daddy!" She cried. "Mommy was just being really mean and she hurted me and stuff."
He hugs her and sighs.
"What you on about?" He asks.
Kommissar rolls her eyes and sat next to them after she put the shopping away.
"Pieter don't comfort her. I'm sick of her behaviour."
"Well I'm obviously gonna help her if she's crying." He replies.
"Pieter!" She warns. "She was naughty. She's just whining because she didn't get her own way. She's being a brat and needs to stop right now or no presents off Santa."
Matilda screams and kicks her stomach. "I don't want you or the baby I just want daddy and no mommy!"
Kommissar takes a deep breath and holds her stomach. Pieter smirks slightly. Kommissar glances at him.
"I can't believe you. You know what? You enjoy being the favourite parent for a bit. Don't come crying to me when she hurts you cause you'll upset her somehow." Kommissar says angrily, standing up.
"Kommi... Don't be like that. You know I love you." He says.
Kommissar scoffs. "You're not exactly father of the year." She says quietly to herself.
"Ugh. Heard that." He says, digging her out.
"Mommy's just a bitch!" Matilda shouts. Kommissar leaves the room.
"Matilda! That's a horrible thing to say!"
"But daddy I heard you say mommy's a bitch to uncle Fitz."
"Say that again I dare you."
"Bitch." She shrugs.
He grabs her hand and takes her to her room, putting some toys in a bin bag. He wasn't actually going to put them in the bin but wanted to scare her. He walks out with the bin bag, closing the baby gate that was too high for her to climb out of.

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