Chapter 11: Matilda.

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Chapter 11: Matilda.
"Well, it has to be a German name. I like the name Matilda," she says.
"Matilda is... Perfect." He looks at Matilda. She looked like a Matilda.
"Pieter are you.. Are you crying?" Kommissar holds back her laugh.
He wipes his eyes so his tears don't run.
"N-no. Why would I cry?" He says in a deeper voice, trying to sound tough.
Matilda Alvie Krämer officially got a birth certificate and they get to go home the next day.
Kommissar gets the bags while Pieter carries Matilda inside in her car seat.
They arrive just before training. They were both tired.
"Kommi I need to start training in a minute," Pieter says tiredly. Kommissar quietly takes the baby out of her car seat so DSM wouldn't come upstairs crowding them.
"Are you serious? Our baby was born yesterday and you're not gonna spend her first day at home with her?" Kommissar says, trying not to raise her voice. Matilda starts crying. Kommissar bounces her gently.
"But who.. Who's gonna.. Take the class?" He asks.
"Fitz? Allie? I don't really care. As long as we can have some family time." The baby didn't stop crying. "Awh look. She wants her daddy." Kommissar strokes her tiny back with her thumb.
"Give her here," Pieter takes her. "Hey princess. You wanna go and meet DSM?" He gets a blanket and wraps it around her.
"Don't be too loud. I'm gonna take a quick shower. DON'T drop her or I'll drop you." Kommissar says, going upstairs to shower.

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