Chapter Nine - Aubrey

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When I woke up I was tightly wrapped in a warm bed. I looked around and found that I was in the hotel. It was really fancy. The white, down pillows were fluffy under my head and the sheets were silky smooth. Copper sat at the end of the bed watching TV. He was watching some stupid cartoon show and I rolled my eyes.

I crawled out from under the covers and saw that only my wrist was still bandaged up. I rolled my ankle around for a bit, surprised. I had thought that was the one that was going to hurt more but it felt alright. I shrugged and stepped out of the bed.

Copper turned from his show and nodded. "Wow took you long enough to wake up. I had to send Emmett to go get me breakfast so you didn't have to be alone." Copper said over exaggerating.

"Why didn't you just have Emmett stay with me while you went and got breakfast?" I asked, rolling my eyes again.

Copper looked star struck for a moment and I laughed. He gathered himself again and shook his head. "How am I supposed to go get food when this show is on?" He asked and gestured at SpongeBob.

I laughed and walked to the fridge. I pulled out some juice. I started to drink and Copper screamed "Swiper no swiping!" at the TV and I nearly choked from laughter. Copper stood up and shut off the TV with a huff.

Once I could breathe again, I looked at him and we both cracked up.

"Can you believe they don't have MTV here? I mean this place is amazing, but would it kill them to get some good TV?" Copper laughed and plopped himself down on the bed.

"Why do we have such a big room? There are only two of us in here?" I asked while I cracked some eggs into the pan.

"Yeah I know right, its sweet. Bender told everyone that you need recovering room or whatever, so we get a whole room to ourselves!" Copper said, throwing his hands up as a point.

"But I feel fine! Shit!" I broke the yoke of my egg and Copper laughed. I glared at him. "You can have this one." I said plating the broken yoked one. He came over to the island and sat down. I plated mine and set it where I was going to sit and turned to put the pan in the sink. I sat down and poked the yoke to make it ooze. When it didn't ooze I glared at Copper's plate that was covered in the yoke, but was empty. He shrugged and went into the bathroom.

I smiled and ate my egg. I went to my bags and found my phone. Three new messages. I opened the first one which was just my step mom telling us to have fun on the trip, second one was a spam message from the phone company, and the last one was a message from Darcy saying that I should call her whenever I felt up to it. I sighed and plopped down on the bed.

"Hello?" Darcy's voice came from the phone.

"Hey girl! What are we doing tonight? Parting, I hope!" I replied.

"Oh! Hey Aubrey! Yeah, we are going to a club that Axel said he had been to before. He rented out a room in the back for us and we have like five hours! We don't even have to pay to get in because Axel says he has "connections", but I think that he is just going to pay for us. It should just be me, you, and Axel's group. Including Shay! Awwww, you two are just so damn cute together!" She said way to fast, but I got the jive of it.

"Yeah, we aren't a thing? Just friends I laughed. "What time are we leaving and what should I wear?"

"Yeah, okay, if you say so. I've never seen a friend look at someone the way that he looks at you but sure, if that's what you think. And I'm wearing an amazing red dress, but you should wear something like black so we don't clash." That meant that she wanted to be more noticeable than me. "Oh and Copper can come too." She added.

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