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A boy who flew too close to the sun...

Icarus was warned by his father not to get too close to the sun...

Or his wings will break up...

He did not listen...

He had become too stubborn and flew too high...

His father had no chance but to watch his son suffer and die...


Arima Kousei's POV

A knock was heard after a while and I woke up back on the sofa. When I looked at my surroundings, no one was there. I'm totally alone. Slowly, I remembered my father and my grandfather having an argument together.

Were they really arguing at each other?

Or everything that happened were all just a dream?

The knock became louder and louder. A familiar voice soon came out to talk to me, "Kousei! Can I come in? Kousei!"

It's definitely Yui. I opened the door and I was right. 

She looked at me like she's observing me. "Your hair looks messy. What were you doing?"

She gave me a mirror and I was surprised by how I look. I looked electrified by something and so, I quickly grabbed a comb and organized my hair. She was totally laughing at me.

I do still remember what had happened earlier so clearly. 

I wasn't even sure right now if it actually happened or not since it's blurry. 

Well, maybe it's just a fabric of my imagination. There's nothing to worry about at all. 

"Are you alright?" she asked me.

"Yes, I'm fine, Yui. Why did you visit me, anyway?" I asked her after I have given her a glass of water.

"You were practicing so much wasn't it?"

Her gaze is mesmerizing.

Too beautiful.

It was like I'm looking into the eyes of Kaori. "As you are practicing, I also wanted to practice with you. Is that alright?"

I nodded. "Alright, you can practice your violin with me. What will we play anyway?"

"Love's Joy and Love's Sorrow," he smiled at me.

"Alright," I already sat on my chair but before I even touch the keys, she suddenly stopped me. "Why don't we play something mainstream like the songs of classical singers like the songs in Les Miserables or Phantom of the Opera?"

I stared at her. She definitely knows what is popular and so, I asked her, "I know that you have lived long in United States but, do you know any composers here in Japan?"

She looked happy at me. "Of course! Were you asking about Akira Senju and Yuki Kajiura?"


Sawabe Tsubaki PoV

I decided to visit Arima Kousei, today after all. I'm so beat right now that I definitely want to hear Kousei's piano but as I was going closer to Kousei's condominium, I saw a middle-aged man walking to and fro in front of his room. He definitely looks like Kousei but he is more manly and of course, truly is older than my friend. 

I approached him and asked, "Who are you, sir?"

When he looked at me, he smiled and mumbled to himself, "Will he believe nothing bad truly happened? What do I have to tell him?"

Spring's Symphony (Your Lie In April/Shigatsu Wa Kimi No Uso Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now