Palm of a Tiny Hand

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A/n: I am so feeling nostalgic. Vote and Comment?


Arima Kousei POV: 

Six years have passed after my successful debut concert, my grandfather's death and the birth of Arima Yuuki, everything went back to normal. I also watched my daughter grow into a baby to a child she is, now. What makes me sad was that, she felt distant to me or maybe, I'm the one who grew distant from her as I have a lot of work to do.

Second week of September has come down so quick. Watari came inside my office and looked at me while I'm holding my family picture with Yuuki as a baby,

"Staring at the picture of your baby daughter again?" he asked me.

"I wasn't even there when I saw her enter school for the first time as I have a job," I told him. "You're luckier than me."

"Because I was there when I saw Tsubaki give birth to my son?" he asked me. 

"Yes. He's four years old already, right?" I asked him. 

Watari Ryota, my long time friend told me, "You can't just always blame yourself because you're a busy businessman."

"She hates me sometimes. She's actually more comfortable when she's with mom or with Kaori," I told him.


I was called by my father to go at his office the next day and I wonder why. I'm actually still busy at work at that time while Kaori does help me manage Arima Music Records. 

Father decided to separate the two three years ago and he gave it to Kaori. Both of us are CEOs of companies, now and because we are both working, our daughter do feel really sad at home every night. 

We left her in the care of her grandmother and a nanny but I know how much she wants me to be there for her. I also wonder what will happen if Uncle Ryuu and father finally decide to merge the two groups already. I reached his office at the right time and I am escorted by his female secretary to go at his office. When I came inside his room filled with glass walls, he looked at me and there's a grin over his face.

"Six years have passed since we last met, Kousei," he told me. 

"Why are you here? I remember last year, you finally gave your position to someone else," I told him after I bowed at them. 

At that moment, my uncle, Nakiri Ryuu went inside the room, too and said, "The young heir will soon embrace his destiny."

I looked at all of them.

My eyes suddenly had water and I noticed that I began to actually cry. 

"My son really haven't changed emotionally," he said. 

I dried my eyes. "Do you really think I'm ready? You even cut off my company because I have trouble in maintaining Arima Music Records three years ago."

"It was the necessary decision at that time but ever since that happened, Arima Music Company have gone better. Most of all, it may look like you'll be busier if you become the Chairman of the Board but actually, you'll get more free time," he told me. "You want to be with your daughter. I can see that in your eyes."

I hugged dad. "I hope I can be a good boss, dad."

Everyone smiled at me. 


I went back home with father that night and as always, Kaori and mom would always welcome us back home but my daughter would always stay locked up in her room. 

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