Un Giorno Per Noi: Flashback Chapter

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A/N: As you can observe, This part of my story is mostly inspired by Romeo and Juliet and other stage plays which I'm in-love with. These few chapters would be what you call, my fan fiction prequel for YLIA.



I was looking down at my wife's grave. She had so much suffering that she endured but now that she's in heaven, she's now free from all the pain and suffering.

Our divorce was for her own good but our old problems still haunted her until her death... 

Nakiri Saki... forgive me... forgive me... for putting you in so much pain and suffering. You must not worry for William anymore, no... you named him Kousei. 

You badly wanted that name for him but I disobeyed you. I still named him William. I have even forced him to bury the name you gave him. I will protect Arima Kousei. 

Save our son from any dangers, I beg of you!!! 


Please help him break down the chain of hatred our families had for so many decades!

Takahiko POV: 21 years ago

"Son, what's the problem?" my father, Ling Yuen asked me when he saw me stop touching the keys of the piano. 

"I can't hear my own playing anymore. I quit, father. I don't want to play the piano anymore," I told him when I tried to play my black piano inside my room.  

"But... but... Your concert debut in the international stage is just two days from now!" He was in front of me.

"I don't want to play for money anymore, dad! This isn't me! The way you want me to play the piano wasn't me anymore!" tears flowed down my eyes. I badly want to play the piano but I just can't hold the keys anymore. 
When I looked around when I heard a creak, I knew quick that it was my younger brother. He heard us. I'm pretty sure he's very much angry or sad at me. 

I quickly went outside and I found him complaining to our mother. When she saw me, her gray eyes stared at me and asked me, "Is it true, Takahiko? Is it true that you can't play anymore?"

When she asked me, I couldn't stare at her straight. I was looking down. I know. It hurts a lot to lose the ability to do what you want to do best. "Yes, it's true. Mom, forgive me."

She sat near her white organ piano and told me, "Sit down and I'd play a piece for you. If you can't play already, I must accept."

My brother, Akihito ran beside me and asked me, "Nii-sama... what.. happened? I don't understand! Why would you stop playing? You're a great pianist!"

Our mom suddenly shouted and told him, "Leave us, Aki! Let me handle this."

Aki followed and closed the door. His tears were flowing down his eyes. It hurts a lot to see my brother like this.

"Sit down beside me," she told me. I sat down in front of her piano and she asked me to silently listen to her play the piano.

The piece was called 'A Time For Us'. It was a piano piece that both of my parents love to hear. It was also their love song for each other. 

As she plays the piano in front of me, I could instantly feel how much my mom loves me.

"I do know you still want to play the piano but there are times that we actually need to endure pain," my mom hugged me so tight while I was crying down on her shoulders, feeling very much depressed for what have happened to me. 

A few days came by and I suddenly overheard them talking about me inside their room. The door was slightly ajar and I peeked a bit. 

"What do we do? Will we cancel the concert?" my mom asked him while she's sitting on the bed. 

My father stood up from the bed and and there is something that looks like an envelope which he took and told her, "We won't cancel the concert but instead, tell the producers that he wanted Akihito instead to be on stage rather than him," he told my mom..

"But what if he truly is tone deaf already?" she asked him.

"We have to endure and accept it. It's my fault anyway! I have used him to the limit to rise our dying company to regain its popularity."


I left my room and I decided to get air outside our house but when I looked up at the terrace of the mansion of Hirokos, I saw a beautiful maiden beside Hiroko Seto who was laughing beside her.

I may not see her clearly due to the darkness but due to it that our mansions were just side by side together in one compound, I saw her beautiful eyes.

I quickly became very much mesmerized by her beauty and wish to meet her face to face.

It was at the next day that I decided to meet Seto inside their house. 

I know we were best friends from the very beginning of our lives but I do also know that our parents wants us for each other but both of us do not want their decisions for us so, even though they were thinking I'm already making a move on her, I honestly told her the reason why I visited her inside their mansion and it wasn't me who invited them to go to our mansion.

"Who was the girl with you at the terrace last night? She's beautiful," I told her. 

She was surprised and she also looked like she pities me, "You can't deal with her! Actually, her family already warned her to stop associating herself to me due to it that our families have strong ties with each other."

I was confused.

What is she talking about?

She sighed in front of me and told me, "She is a Nakiri, Arima. You know about the feud, right?"

I couldn't believe it.

I fell in-love with a Nakiri.

What should I do?

She stared at me and told me, "You fell in-love with her, do you? Like the other boys from the music school?" 

I composed myself and sat up straight, "If I can't associate myself with her... I have no choice but to follow the tradition."

Seto laughed at me. I don't know her reason why she's laughing at me. She couldn't stop it. She really was more a man than a young lady. She's as rough as a rock sometimes whenever we meet. She really annoys me.

She calmed herself and told me, "I'll let you meet her. Don't worry, I'll drag her out of the Nakiri's stupid surveillance since all of us study in one school! I'm pretty sure your father would agree."

"My father would agree? I have always known since I was young that my dad and grandpa were having arguments about setting a peace meeting with them but grandpa always shouts back at him," he told her. 

"He would want both of you to meet but I will have to ask your father before I do something, right?" she smiled at me.


A/n: Don't forget to vote and comment!

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