Now We Are Free

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Third POV:

"Madam, why do we need to leave him?" asked Hiro Akira to Lady Aina.

"It needs to be done. I never knew that my grandson would choose to side with the Nakiris. He had grown strong to face difficult problems. Let go of him now. Don't endanger him. I won't manipulate him like I have decided long ago. My plans are thrown into ashes after he met with Ryuu," she told him.

After that, she ordered him to go to Ling Yuen's office. "Tell them that I accept the creation of Arima-Nakiri Partnership until it becomes one once again when William takes office. The feud has ended."

Hiro Akira bowed and left. After closing the door, he was left in shock.

Lady Aina had chosen to accept something she cannot even imagine will happen. He quickly followed her and went to Arima Group.

He is being escorted by several bodyguards. He knocked and it was opened by none other than Ling Yuen Arima.

"Why are you here?" asked Ling Yuen as he go back to sit at his seat inside his elegant office.

Hiro bowed to show his respect and quickly stated, "I came here by Lady Aina's orders. She told me to give her statement over your decision to join up with the Nakiris."

"What did my sister say?" he asked.

"She won't retaliate. She accepted your decision but she deeply wished that your grandson will assume office when the Partnership becomes one group," Hiro informed him.

"Tell her not to worry," he told him. Hiro bows once again and leaves.

Ling Yuen smiled and he quickly called her younger brother, the Prime Minister of Japan, Arima Akio.

"I have good news to tell you," he told him.

Akio smiled, "What is it?"

"Aina accepted my grandson already and my choice to end the feud. I'm happy that William helped us," he told him.

"That's great then, but you do have other problems to face from now on," he smiled.

"Truthfully, I'm still nervous," he suddenly told him.

Akio sighed, "Aniki, you've been at that office for too long already. Why don't you step down and give it to Takahiko?"

"You're right. I think I should rest already," he told him.


That night, Takahiko received word from one of his agents that Ling Yuen, is planning for retirement. He went inside his father's room and asked, "Father! You're retiring? Who would be the Chairman of Arima Group now?"

"Leave Arima Music Company. Give it to Kousei. He's ready to manage a company. He's old enough. Of course, he'll need to keep up with his studies and enroll him in a new University for him to study Business Administration. It'll be his training ground like yours," he told him.

"I'm not worthy for that position," he told him.

"You are, my son," he smiled.


A week later after he graduated college in Cambridge University, majoring in Music, Kousei have quickly assumed office along with Miyazono Kaori as his secretary.

Watari still kept contact with them as his bodyguard but, staying as William Arima's bodyguard made Tsubaki suspicious at his decisions.

"Watari! Watari!" called out Tsubaki.

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