Silver and Gold

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A/n: Thank you for all of you who are making this story successful! I am really grateful I have you!!!


Watari POV:

When the directors asked me about our young CEO where he could have been, just like what he asked me to say, I just kept telling them that he went somewhere important. Also, I quickly followed his order to call on the managers of the artists of Arima Music Records so that they could already have a meeting for a concert he is planning to organize.

I was talking to Thomas when both of us saw that Kousei had just returned back. He was about to get near us when Spanish men suddenly went in front of him.

They're a bit scary for us and so, we quickly went near him.

"Kousei!" I called him.

Kousei looked at me and he looked back at the huge man before him.

"You're William Arima, am I correct?" he asked him.

"Yes. I'm William Arima. Why do you ask?" he asked him.

"I'm Jorge Cruz. My companion and I watched you in your concert in England. We really liked your way of playing the piano and asked people about you to where we can find you when we knew you're Japanese. Will you be willing to visit Spain and have a tour with us for a month? I'm a conductor in Spain," he told him.

He does have blue eyes and he's a bit taller than Kousei. "You're really a great pianist."

Kousei smiled and looked at us.

His companion, a man shorter than him shook hands with him, too and offered him the same thing.

He smiled at them and in our surprise, he refused them which shocked them. "I am not just a pianist. I'm an heir of huge business group, I have a pregnant wife to look after and I have a company to take care of. I'm not that free to roam all over the world for now but if you want, you can join a meeting with me. I'm planning to make a concert of my own to introduce our unknown artists here. If you still want me to play in your Spanish Orchestra, are you willing to play the concert here?"

Jorge gulped hard and smiled. "I guess we should follow your schedule. We just heard that this is where you work. We didn't know that you're the head of this company."

I quickly went beside him and asked Kousei, "Are you really willing to include them?"

He stared at me mischievously. "Of course! Why not, anyway?"

"Do you want me to prepare the meeting hall already?" I asked.

"Yes. I'll still keep talking to them while you prepare the meeting hall," he smiled at me.

As a best friend, his smile really captivates me. He's really a good man. Does Tsubaki feel the same thing with me?


(Time Skip)

Arima Kousei POV:

I was about to get the papers that were scattered in front of me inside my room when I noticed that Watari seemed very silent at the meeting we just held. I stood up from my seat and collected the papers on my hand to give it to him. "Watari?" I called him out and he suddenly said things I was actually shocked to hear from him.

"Wah??? Wah??? Jabluehartutsubaki." I laughed at him. He seemed half-asleep and I just woke him up. He could have been day dreaming about Tsubaki.

"Are you okay?" I asked while laughing.

He stared at me and blushed. "I'm sorry. I wasn't myself today," he apologized to me.

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