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A/N: I hope all of you loved my story! Please play the vid as you start reading. Thank you for all those who reached my story up until to this point!

Arima Kousei POV:

I tried escaping from this endless darkness I'm in almost everyday but all I could feel is deep pain and agony. I always get nightmares, too.

I couldn't move at all. I couldn't even see any light from where I am right now. How can I get out from here? Someone... Is there someone who could help me escape?


I thought my life isn't in monotone already...

It seemed I turned it back again...

I took myself to hear my surroundings. There's nothing familiar at all. I can't hear anything... wait... there's a familiar song I'm hearing. What song is playing right now?

Is it Twinkle Twinkle Little Star? Someone is also singing the song for me.

"Twinkle Twinkle Little Star,
How I wonder what you are,
Up above the world so high
Like a diamond in the sky...
Twinkle twinkle little star,
How I wonder what you are..."

Who's singing the song? Is that familiar person singing the song for me? Why would that person sing that familiar song for me?

That voice... I want to know.... let me know! Let me see who it is!

I'm begging you!

I can't breathe...

My whole body's aching...

What's happening with me?

There's light forming slowly from above me.

Please, let me reach that light!

I want to escape this horrible dark space I'm in!


Third POV:

After a few minutes, the doctors and nurses that saved Kousei went outside to meet Kaori, his parents and Mr. Thomas.

It's already almost a year, 11 months exactly, that he's in coma and he is already nearing his birthday.

It was February when he was attacked by President Park and his performance at the hotel should have been their guests' special day for Valentine's day but was ruined by what happened to him.

Just like what Kaori and Watari promised to the chairman of Arima Group, both acted as representatives until he wakes up.

"How is he?" asked Arima Saki.

"He reacted at the song you played for him that is why his heart monitor showed a spike. He almost got an arrest again but he's well after he recovered from it. That should be the last. He'll wake up soon," Doctor Nakamichi told them.

The news was a relief for everyone.

"He's currently in a sleep state. We still don't know when he'll be able to open his eyes. For now, we are keeping him in EMS. He'll be in a normal room from now on. That's it for now," Doctor Nakamichi informed them.

He has graded glasses now unlike at the time he started working to save a young heir from an almost impossible recuperation due to Arima Kousei's state at the time he was brought in.

For him, the one who actually caused him to overwork was due to what Thomas told him.

He didn't feel intimidated but after he looked at the old man's blazing eyes at the time, he knew how important William 'Kousei' Arima is, for the Arima Group and Arima Family.

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