Who You Are

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A/n: I hope you like my book!


Watari Ryota POV:

After all of that talk, I finally told Tsubaki that we need to work and she can go home already.

She tried to refuse but since I asked her to look on Kousei's schedule on my tablet, she finally left.

"Are you finished answering your assignments?" I asked him after Tsubaki left.

Kousei stiffened. "I'm rushing to finish them. I know that I should be in Tokyo University at eight a.m to pass them and to get my last exams for this year."

"Would you really plan to make a concert for the least most popular artists of Arima Music Records?" I asked him.

"I'll be playing the piano. I actually plan to produce my own concert. They're the guests, not me. I would want to play the piano with them so I can also use my own concert to promote them," he answered me. 

"You got that from your meeting along with your fellow Chief Executives, then?" I asked. 

"Well... um... yes. I did. I got it when I was in the meeting," he answered me as he was looking through a document until he frowned. 

"What's wrong?" I quickly asked him.

I quickly went beside him and I was shocked. The document was actually about one of our artists. He's looking through their profiles. 

"Isn't that Kitamura Eiji? A balladeer?" I told him. 

He flipped another profile. Now, it's about a young, pop singer. She's half-Japanese and her name is Motto Aika. She mostly do love songs. She does have a British blood. 

Then, another singer. "Her name is Daichi Josephine. She's also a balladeer."

"I read their profiles. They're the least popular artists of Arima Music Records. I want you to call their managers. Set up a meeting. I have to go somewhere," he told me which surprised me. 

"Wait. Where are you going?" I quickly asked him. 

"School. Today's the Final Examination day for this school year. They asked me to go there," her said to me as he leave his room.

"What will I say if they ever ask where you are?" I asked him.

He had already opened his door and replied to me, "Just tell them that I'm doing something important."

He closed the door and smiled. I guess, he's happy. I could really see that he had changed a lot from the days he was struggling many years ago. I do feel like a different soul was resurrected after he had his coma. 

I should be glad about it but I could always feel that Tsubaki doesn't seem to communicate well and interact with him anymore which worries me. 

What should I do to make them renew their friendship?


Arima Kousei POV: 

I quickly went at the basement to go and drive my car when I suddenly saw something strange.

Two foreigners seemed to be talking together in a language I am not acquainted to. I think it could be Spanish or French. I wonder what they are doing down in our basement.

I watched them secretly inside my car until they stared at my car. Of course, I quickly hid from them. 

I stared back at them and noticed they already vanished from where they are sitting. 

Spring's Symphony (Your Lie In April/Shigatsu Wa Kimi No Uso Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now