Her Journey is Begin

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I was in complete daze, I was deep in silence when I see a man who just come out from my grandfather's book. I must be dreaming, that was come in my thought, I pinch my cheek and it does feel hurt. I am not dreaming so that means this is real, that's what I think in my mind. That's right I have to call Prof. Alford. I arise from my sit, but then.

"Hey you!" yelled the man to me who about to leave. I was startled and back off when he pointed out his sword to me.

"Wooahh... hey that's dangerous!" I said angrily at him, he was startled for a while and look at me as if he observe me with his eyes. This man is a pervert, how could he look at my body like that, I said that in my mind.

"Why are you wearing man's cloth?" he asked. I was silence for a while as my eyes open wide with his statement. What's wrong with him, I asked that in mind. I only wear some pants with blouse and blue cardigan, how can he said it man's clothes

"A woman should wear something more appropriate, but why are you wearing such a thing" he said as he put his hand on his chin, I cannot take this nonsense anymore and then yelled at him.

"Well excuse me for not wearing an 'appropriate' cloth, and so why you come here with out an appropriate way? And why bringing a horse?!" I yelled at him, he looks somehow annoyed at my sentence and yelled back at me.

"How dare you yelled at royalty" he said and again he pointed me with his sword. I was backing off again. And then I can hear the sound of meow. The man who was stand firm suddenly become stiff as rock and pale as a paper. And then Prof. Alford cat was show up she was climbing the desk with one jump.

"oooh Riri, what's wrong honey? Are you awake from the noise?" I asked her as I patted her head she seemed to be like it, Riri is Persian flat-nose cat, with long white hair, she was mine and Prof Alford dear pet. But then I can see that the man was shivering when he looked at Riri. What's wrong with him? Cat phobia? I said that in my mind.

"you...you pet a monster..." he said with a shaken voice.

"pardon? Where is that monster?" I said with annoyance. Then he pointed Riri who just licked her hand with her tongue. And then I look at him as a pointed my thump to Riri.

"Mister this is not a monster, it's a CAT" I said, but the man was shook his head saying that it was little monster, I feel like this is coming to become weirder. And then I asked him who is he.

"Hump, the name is Joshua Lieben of Dresvan Kingdom" he said, and again his words make me surprise. This guy is a prince that I just read in that book? What in the world happening with my head? Am I reading to much books today? Oh God I have to go to bed now, a lot of word and question popped in my mind.

"Hey you, don't ignore me, you asked my name but then who are you?" he asked me as he shouted, I look toward him as my face become a bit pale. And then I introduce my self to him telling him my name and such.

"I see, Shina Azuki" he said as he look at me with those eyes again, I hate it when he saw me like that. And the Riri snuggling her face on my arm asking for attention. I pet her head and she completely enjoyed it. The prince get off from his horse and asked me.

"So you already read the book?" he said, he meant that weird book. I take the book and show it to him, asked him to confirm it, he nod at me but he still afraid of Riri who still sitting on the desk.

"Sir, what is that suppose to mean by extraordinary journey?" I asked and then he started to explain to me. That he was searching for someone who can help him searching for his beloved Princess Amelia, he said he was searching for a Witch of Time. But then I see something glowing inside my pocket. I took it what inside my pocket, and my grandfather pocket watch is the one which is glowing with shine. Prince Joshua was startled and look at me.

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