Delirious Witch

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Princess Catherine was unconscious after I asked her about the witch, I wonder if she will be alright? Because of worried I come to her room expecting she will be okay. I knock the big tall door in front of my eyes. And the door is swung open by a butler. This is a first time seeing him.

"umm... I want to meet Her Highness, is she awake?" I asked the butler who look at me curiously.

"may I know who are you?" said him casually, even though his words seem polite, I don't really like the tune he said to me.

"um, my name is Shina, I am... Sir. Mario's acquaintance" I introduce myself to him. He look surprise and suddenly steady his posture.

"I am very sorry for my attitude miss, Her Highness is still asleep right now, if she awake I will tell you soon, miss" said that butler, but weirdly he doesn't wear any jacket, he has caramel hair and brown eyes, and to be honest he look kinda cute. Suddenly we can hear a voice from Princess Catherine's room.

"umm... Luke..??" it seems to be Princess Catherine's voice, the butler immediately run to her side. And I followed him from back.

"what happen to me?" asked Princess Catherine as she hold her forehead, she looks rather dizzy.

"you are fainted in the guest room Princess" said the butler named Luke as he look at Princess Catherine with worried. Princess Catherine seem to realize about my presence, and look at me with surprise.

"umm... Miss Shina? Why are you in here?" asked her innocently, as she smile at me.

"ah.. I was worried about you so I came to checked you" I told her about the reason of my present. She surprised and smile gently at me, make me enchanted with the smile she has.

"thank you very much Miss Shina, I am feeling better now" said her with stunning smile. Make my worries fly away from my mind.

After that, I leave Princess Catherine alone with Luke, and went to the guest room that already being prepared for me, tonight is the party to welcoming Princess Catherine party 3 days from now. I stayed in my room with Uke and the princes, the three of us still thinking about how to regain Princess Catherine memories. We keep silent deep in thought, suddenly someone knocking our room's door.

"excuse me..." we can see Sir. Mario popped out his head and then come inside the room.

"ah Sir. Mario, can we help you?" I asked him as soon as he come inside the room.

He approach all of us and call someone who follow his back it was Zain bringing a lot of boxes with some servant following him.

"umm.. what is this Sir. Mario?" asked me when Zain come inside bringing the boxes to our room. The princes were surprised too with his arrival.

"this is your attire, for tonight party" said Sir. Mario as he pointed his hand to the boxes.

"" I was deep in silent and fascinated about how considerate Sir. Mario to all of us.

"thank you very much Sir. Mario, we owe you for all of this" said Prince Roberto as he look at the suit that placed inside the box.

"today party only the earl and some people the royals' know very well is attending, it's like a party before the 'real party', since you are invited I bought this as soon as possible" said Sir. Mario the three of us nodding at his explanation.

Royalty sure is awesome, my birthday party always as simple as possible, sometime I bought a cake if I can, I still remember last time my mother bake a cake for my birthday party, those were beautiful memories that I will never forget.

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