The Feisty Night

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After the night was gone, morning is come, I open my eyes slowly and found myself in a different place, that's right I was still on my journey. I rise up from my bed and rub my eyes. Morning sun is going through my room's window. I still feel sleepy and I can hear something bustling outside my room. Confuse I get out from the room and see what happen outside.

"morning Miss" said Lucia who greet me, she bring something with a lot of little squirrel following her. They seem to bring some food.

"morning Lucia, what are you doing?" I asked, and she answer me with merry voice.

"it's breakfast time" she said, and other females squirrels follow her said 'breakfast time, breakfast time' they look so cute and funny, and I let them in to my room, they bring some fruits and nuts and one of them bring me some water. They are so kind and caring, after put my breakfast in my room, they took their leave and I thank them from bringing me these.

They all smile at me and wave their hand.

"please eat some, we might cannot provide more but this is our best breakfast" said Lucia.

"what are you talking about, this is like a feast, thank you Lucia" I take one of the fruit and eat it, all of them is ripe and delicious.

Meanwhile in Prince Roberto and Prince Joshua's room, like Shina's room they were provided with fruits, nuts and some water for breakfast. Prince Roberto eat his breakfast happily and sometime put some of his to Ruff's mouth. But Prince Joshua didn't touch his breakfast at all. Seeing this Prince Roberto stop eating and look at him.

"Prince Joshua, the animals were do their best to bring us some breakfast, if you don't eat it, you will disappoint them" said Prince Roberto, Prince Joshua make a long sigh, and started to speak.

"I am sorry, I just don't have any appetite now" said Prince Joshua, Ruff and Prince Roberto tilt their head in unison.

"are you worried about Shina-chan?" asked Prince Roberto as he put one grapes to his mouth, Prince Joshua is startled and denied this.

"wh-what are you talking about Prince Roberto?!" shouted him, with abashed face. And then Prince Roberto is smirk at him.

"it was a joke, why do you think it seriously?" said Prince Roberto as he laugh at him and eat some more of his grapes, Prince Joshua face become slightly red, no one know if he was red because of anger whether red because he embarrassed.

I eat my breakfast happily, and then I helped the animals to prepare for tonight party. The animals like squirrels or some of them who can stand with two feet help bringing a food or thing that can be bring with hands, I helped them out bringing some food to the center of the nest, there was a big empty space for animals to gather around maybe for talk or meeting with each other.

Some animal who walk with four feet and strong enough is bringing a wood from the outside of the nest. The birds help bring some food with a cloth and dropped it on plate. Their teamwork is awesome even though they were different kind but they wanted to work together like human do. This is really are a rare sight. The princes is helping to bringing some wood and water to us. They say Biche allowed them to get outside the nest but they have to careful with the beast around here.

"Miss Shina" I was startled when someone called my name, and then I can see a little white mouse who pull my dress. I almost shriek when I see them, I am not very fond of a mouse.

"we make you a dress" said that mouse, and it pointed a beautiful dress which being brought by a lot of other little mouse. I was surprise when I see it. The dress is white colored with sleeveless and long skirt, and there's a big ribbon that twisted the dress but it decorated so beautifully. it's very beautiful. I was speechless when I see this.

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