Consequent for Offender

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My heart is beating so fast when I see Gear right in front of me, I trembled in fear, and I was sweating a lot, when he try to approach me again. I shut my eyes rapidly, prepared with the attack, but then I can hear Gear is crying out. I open my eyes, and I see an unexpected scene in front of my eyes.

"MY...MY EYES!!" shouted Gear as he shut his eyes which was bleeding. And in top of his head Uke is stab one of his eyes with a branch. Making him hurt.

"don't you dare touch, Miss Shina!" said Uke as he still holding the branch that was stab in Gear's eyes. Gear asked him to release it from him.

" I will, if you leave after I release it" said Uke to him, Gear surrender and said he wont attack me, Uke release the branch from his eyes. And Gear immediately take his leave.

"are you okay Miss Shina?" asked Uke with worried, I was shocked by his action and suddenly my eyes feel so moist and started to let out a tears.

"Mi-Miss Shina??!!" Uke was surprise when see me in tears, I was feel relieve and that I drawn into tears, I feel so grateful that Uke is with me. I hug him tightly in my arms.

"thank you...thank you Uke...if..if you are not in here...I..I" I hug him while sobbing in my tears, I was crying like a little child, Uke calm me down.

"it's fine, Miss Shina, please don't cry" said Uke to me. I was crying and sobbing. It was so scary, my body still trembling with fear. And suddenly I could hear some voice.

"YOUNG LADY!! Where are you!!?" shouted it, it was Hase's voice, they were searching for us, we both feel relive and answer the call.

"young lady, we were so worried about you" said Hase to me, the other were come approach me and Uke who was seating in the tree.

"I was surprise when I found you not on my back anymore" said Gill, he apologize to me because he thought it was his fault make me and Uke lost.

"hey, hey, why you all didn't seem to worried about me" said Uke, the other sigh.

"because she was important guest and friend" said Hase, I feel happy about what Hase's said.

"hey you mean I am not your friend?" asked Uke angry at them. The other just smile and walk away without answer his question. And Uke started to shout

"hey. You guys cruel, I am your friend too, you know, I saved Miss Shina you know!" said Uke, but the other just say 'yeah yeah' and laugh at him and I giggling at him. With that we return to the nest safely.

Everyone listen to Uke story in the way to the nest, they were impressed by Uke action for saving me. But he burst out too much, that make the others feel a bit annoyed.

"and that Gear said 'yes yes I will do whatever you say' and you know he cry like a baby" said Uke and then he laugh out loud. I just smile when hear about his story.

"you must be so brave that time" praise Zelda to Uke, make Uke blush.

"maybe we doesn't need to worried about him after all" tease Gill, and the other is nodding.

"hey don't say that" said Uke pouting at all of them, we laugh and chatting until we reach the nest. After we arrive we could see Biche and the princes standing in there.

"where have you been?" asked her, she seem to be angry, the other animal just hung their head after they hear Biche.

"why? Why are you bring such an important guest to the outside of the nest? You know it was dangerous" Biche scolding all of us, after we brought to the inside of the nest, there a bonfire for a light and some collapsed tree, I sit on one of it and listen to Biche.

The other feel guilty bring me outside the nest, but it was my fault for forcing them make me come. And then a little giraffe come to the front.

"Biche, I am sorry it was my fault, if I am not lost, maybe our guest wouldn't be hurt" said that little giraffe, it was Orion, he was found leaned on the tree with his leg wounded because he was falling that time.

He try to walk to Biche side with hobble.

"Orion you better take a rest" said Biche, and then she look at all of us.

"I want you to be more careful now, do not bring our guest outside the nest, I can't guarantee the safety for you miss, I hope you to be not as careless as now!" scold Biche to me. I nod at her. And then we leave to our each other room, Lucia accompany me to my room.

"it was my fault, but everyone get scolded by Biche" I blame myself as I sigh, Lucia listen to me quietly, and then she approach me caressed my cheek.

"you know Miss, after you all leave, Prince Joshua is come to Biche and asked her whether he can go outside the nest or not, but of course he can't since it's dangerous for him" I surprise and look at Lucia, listening to her story.

"why is he wanted to go outside the nest?" I asked Lucia, she make a weak sigh and answer me.

"he know you and another animals is tried to leave the nest for a while, he seem to be worried about you, Biche who knew that you left was furious and wait for all of you, if you didn't come back, we are planning to search for you in carnivore nest" explain Lucia.

I was startled, Prince Joshua is worried about me? Is that true? Suddenly a lot of blue fireflies is come to my room surround me and Lucia.

"ah the fairies is coming" she said, Fairies? This fireflies like is fairies? I look at them with awe.

"they come here as Biche order to heal your wound" said Lucia, Lucia push a bowl fill with water to me, I help her bring the bowl.

"please fairies" said Lucia and the little fairies are gather around into one blue bright light, and it approach the bowl and make the water is shining with it's blue light.

I was impress by the beauty of the light, after for a while the fireflies come up and scatter around with a fast speed and leave my room. The water which nothing in it now is filled with blue sparkle in it.

"wash your wound with this water, it will heal you faster" said Lucia, I immediately wash my wound with the water, and it was true like a magic my wound is heal the skin that being cut is closed and it's not leave any mark.

"awesome Lucia, my wound is healed" I said with happy tone, and Lucia is smiling at me.

"tomorrow night, the king will come to us, we will have a big party to celebrate, in that party you have to satisfy him" said Lucia with smile. I lose my smile when I heard, how could I satisfy that king,

"Leonard is a fine king, you will know about that soon, so you don't have to be worried, I will take my leave now, you better take a rest tomorrow the nest will busting" said Lucia.

"where are you going?" I asked her when she about to leave the room.

"me and another animals who has a beautiful sound will have a choir, I am practicing now" she said, I was smile when I heard that she will singing.

"you will sing?! I will be looking forward to it" I said with smile, Lucia wave her hand to me but then I remember about something and called for her, then she approach me.

"Lucia you know, Uke is safe me from Gear, he was so brave to hurt Gear in the eyes and safe my life" I said to her, Lucia's eyes is sparkling with awe.

"is that true? Uke safe you?" she said with impress, I owe him one, I will tell Lucia how brave you are in front of me Uke, I said that in my mind. Lucia look so happy and she leave my room afterward.

After Lucia leave me alone, I look at the window looking at the view in front of me, beautiful and charming. I hope I could stay in here longer but it was impossible since I am not from here, and I have duty to do, so that I back to my bed, close my eyes and gone to the land of dreams. Hoping this beautiful dreams will not over yet.

Hello readers, sorry if it's short, the party will begin in the next chapter. if you like the story please do comment or vote for it, and i really appreciated for my readers who supporting this book, really are thankyou very much. See you soon

Love Sa-Chaan

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