Approved Excursion

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Dear Lovely reader, sorry for the wait... I must say that this is going to be the last work that I update before HIATUS, I don't really know when exactly I am going to start again, cuz I want to focus on my study too for a while. So I am really sorry and thank you for always and always supporting my story... Hope you enjoy it

Sun rising beautifully, I looked toward the window and open it, the little birds are chirping singing a song. Waking me up from my slumber, I feel fresh after a long time, even though I always slept in the royal bed that the Princes from other world provide, I never feel as fresh as this before.

"Shina good morning" suddenly Haru open the door of my room and smile at me gently.

"Haru, good morning" reply me cheerfully. I let him in and asked him if there is something I could help.

"breakfast is ready, why don't you come out and eat?" said him, so he came to told me this. I smile and hurriedly change my clothes and rushing out to the downstairs.

"good mor..ning" as I try to greet the Princes that I met in the downstairs, I found they look at the other side, curious, I look at the same direction as them. And then I see Lady Ichi and a lady talking in the living room.

"Welcome to my shop, dear customer" said Lady Ichi to a lady that stand opposite her.

"a guest?" asked me to the two of them, Prince Roberto shake his head signing he doesn't know anything, and while I look at Prince Joshua, he just shrug his shoulder and leave instantly.

"I think you should go to the dining room now" suddenly Haru come and asked us to leave the spot immediately.

"Ruka, Reika I will serve the tea for the guest, can you help serving the food for Shina and the Princes?" asked Haru at Ruka and Reika.

"Yes! you can count on us" said them in unison and drag me with them to the dining room.

"what is Lady Ichi job actually?" asked me to Ruka and Reika.

"Madam is helping people, she is a good person and we love her" said Ruka smiling at me..

The two of them really like Lady Ichi so much, I can feel their affection toward her from them. But what is her real job after all?

After a while, Lady Ichi and Haru join us to have a breakfast. Lady Ichi apologize to us for not joining them at first.

"Lady Ichi are you just helping that lady with something?" asked me to her, Lady Ichi looked surprised but calm and she look at me tenderly.

"Yes. I just helping a bit" said her, and then she drink her tea.

"what does she asked for?" asked Prince Roberto to her enthusiastically Lady Ichi is smiled and put something on the table.

"sorry I couldn't tell you, this is me and my guest business" said her, and then sip her tea again, I look at the thing she put on and it was a ring with beautiful diamond imitation.

"Lady Ichi I will put this in your storage room" suddenly Haru take the ring and leave the dining room. The room become silent as if there are no life things in it.

"I am sorry dear guest, today I have something to do, so I cannot accompany you with your walk" said Lady Ichi while eating her meal. We asked her what she want to do.

"I have to go somewhere" answer her, we cannot ask more of it and just continue with our meal.

Soon after the breakfast is over, Lady Ichi is preparing herself to depart she put a quite long black kimono with red Tsubaki flowers and wearing a long fur cape then leave after saying us a good bye.

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