Inevitable Hazard

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A/n :First of all I want to apologize because my laptop get Bsod I couldn't write my story well, so the paragraph might messed up a bit, I hope it won't bother you. And here is my work, hope you love it

"payment for my eyes" i knew it, it's Gear. He asking for a revenge. He close his left eyes that being wounded by Uke last time. Me and Prince Joshua back down when looking at him.
"you know it's very painful when someone stab my eyes, i will asking for the same" he said.

"eyes for eyes" he started to attack us, running to our direction. We managed to dodge him,  Prince Joshua take my hand and back me up.
"don't leave my side" he said as he trying to protect me. He take the sword in his belt and pointing it at Gear. Gear flaming eyes is scaring me. When he look at Prince Joshua's sword he grin and suddenly make a howl.
"damn! He called for his friends" said Prince Joshua, i started to feel scared, they can attack us if we are in here.
"hehehe...let me take your eyes and flesh as my dinner, young lady" he approach us slowly and growl at us. I gripped Prince Joshua clothes and trying to back down slowly.

What should we do? Suddenly from my back i could hear another growl. I look back slowly and i found 7 wolves is come to us, i pull Prince Joshua's arm.
"Prince Joshua, his company is coming" i said, and Prince Joshua look back and see those wild animal growling trying to attack two of us. Both of us back down from them and they approach from the darkness of forest. We are being surrounded.

"this is a bad situation" said Prince Joshua as he still pointed his sword to them.
"feeling helpless, huh?" said Gear as he grin at us. Both of us is having a cold sweat, we have nowhere to run. I was so panicked, i don't know what to do. And suddenly one of the wolf jump to us, i shield my self with my hand, shut my eyes rapidly and Prince
Joshua cover me with his body. But then, i didn't feel anything, and i can hear
something is falling.

"Shina-chan! Prince Joshua!" someone safe us, it was Prince Roberto he just shoot the wolf with his arrow, He come with our horse and Leonard.
"king, even though you are in here we are not going to stop, that people is our target, remember we are outside of the borderline" said Gear with grin, he didn't show a single fear toward Leonard. But Leonard with his flaming eyes he look angry and wanted to attack them. He jumped to Gear and they fight each other. Biting and scratching each other wildly.
But the other wolf still trying to pinned us. Suddenly Prince Roberto jumped into the fight together.

"let's fight them Prince Joshua" said Prince Roberto as he grinning toward them.
"yeah, let's do this, Witch you have to run" said Prince Joshua to me who still in panic.
"run? To where? I am with you two" i insisted to stay with them until it over.
"don't be silly when we already make an opening run now" said Prince Joshua a bit angry.

"No, i'll stay with you" i keep insisting, and they both shook their head.
"up to you Shina-chan" said Prince Roberto, one of them jumped to our direction but Prince Roberto prevent them with sword, and slashing their body with his deft hand. Prince Joshua started to attack them too.

I have to do something to help them, i started to thinking of what should i do to help them, i feel so helpless when in this kind of battle, why can't i fight with them.
" you just a burden in here, go now!" Prince Joshua yell at me, he keep protecting me from those wolves. I feel my heart is in pained i want to help them, i want to help, but how? I gripped my hand and suddenly realize, where my pocket watch, i put them on my pocket this dress has pocket in it, it's quite convenience. I chant my spell in my heart.

'O' the magical watch, please grant me this wish' the pocket watch i gripped turn into a sword.
"what?! Why sword?!" i was bewildered by my own magic, but then suddenly one of the wolf jumped to me, I pointed the sword at him, and then a blood spurted from it's body.
"i killed it...." i kill the wolf, i feel like my body cannot move when i see the blood splattered on my body. But i try to stand up when i see the wolf's corpse.
"all of you run now!" Leonard shouted at us, asked us to leave him.
"what? We fight with you" said Prince Joshua to him, Leonard look at him in the eyes. Prince Joshua bit his lips, he averted his eyes, and started to run to me.

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