Chapter One: Coming Home Part One

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Bethany POV:

I was in the middle of a biology exam when I was told I had an urgent phone call awaiting me in the Dean's office. As I made my way to the office I already knew what the call had in store for me. The call was from Alfred and as he uttered his tearful message all I could do was stand there and hold my breath praying that it was a sick joke. But I had known this was going to happen ever since Bruce had put on the mask and become the Dark Knight. My hero,protector and best friend was dead.

I flew home immediately for the funeral. Alfred was beside himself. Gotham mourned their Prince and Batman. The public was lead to believe Bruce was killed during the city's days of anarchy and that Batman sacrificed himself. Perfect cover story and ending. The Wayne Manor was left to become a home for boys, which is what Bruce and I had decided to do when the time came. Alfred decided he would go to Italy for awhile and asked if I would like to accompany a dear old friend as himself. I gave him my regrets and explained my need to have space from any attachments or reminders of Bruce. It wouldn't be forever I had told him, but for as long as I felt the need. He understood and we parted tearfully a week later.

I left for France and decided to start a tour of the world. I got rooms at the best five star hotels and dined at the best and most renowned restaurants in the world. I drank, partied and saw the sights. At night I'd come back to my room and fall into bed hammered and tired. When mornings came I would curl up and cry from shame and grief. I missed Bruce more and more with each passing day. I was spiralling out of sanity and control. My grief became my crutch.

I then moved on after spending 2 months in Europe and went to Japan,then to China and then went to the Philippines. There I began to come down with depression and moodiness. I layed awake each night and would stare up at the ceiling, mind as blank as a sheet of paper. I would have dreams of Bruce and I when we were you younger. The memories were beautiful and funny, but only brought reality and pain back to the surface.

One night I was staring out the window of my hotel room. It over looked the beautiful white beaches of Battan. I had had a particularly rough night and was on my last straw when I received a phone call from the front desk telling me I was being asked to go to room 45 by a certain Alfred Pennyworth.

I ran like lightning to room 45 and knocked like a hyper monkey on the door. Alfred opened up the door and I practically killed the poor guy by hugging the life out of him. "Oh Alfred! I missed you so much!!" I had sobbed as he had lead me in and offered me a seat on his small bed. "Like wise Miss Bethany. " He said with tears glistening in his aging eyes. "So what has been happening with you?" I asked after a painfully awkward silence. "Bethany. There's an old friend of mine who would like for you to come and stay with them. He has offerd me a job knowing that I am still an eligible butler and he has offered for you to come and visit if you'd like. He knows how lonely you must be." Said Alfred as he took a seat next to me. I was a bit taken aback. "Well I don't know...I was kinda thinking maybe I try ..."
"Excellent! Ill meet you at the airport tomorrow at 9:30am sharp." Said Alfred as he hurriedly helped her up and to the door. "But Alfred I .." "I know you need your rest and I'll let you get it! Goodnight lovey and see tomorrow." I was very confused.

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