Chapter Nineteen: I'm Back!

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Bruce POV:

I sit there and keep glancing at my wrist watch. "How long does it take to use the bathroom?!" I mutter under my breathe as I notice the waitress from earlier coming over with our orders. "Uh miss. Excuse me,but have you by chance seen the young lady who was here with me?" I ask feigning a smile. She gives me an odd look. "No sir I'm sorry but I haven't. Would you like me to look around?" "No." I quickly say as I begin to feel a little worried. "That's fine thank you. I'm sure she's just fixing her hair or something." I say trying to sound nonchalant. She gives me another smile and places down our food and leaves. I was about to eat when my phone buzzed from my pocket. I roll my eyes and pick it up. 

"Hello?" "Ah Mister Wayne!Having a pleasant evening I presume? I can I assure you I am!" "Lex I couldn't care less about you're evening so why don't you get to the point?" I say cooly as I am feeling quite annoyed at the moment. "Oh? But you should care. You see I'm in the pleasant company of your lovely sister." I sit here shocked and confused. "Excuse me?" "You heard it correctly Mr. Wayne. That's also why you're going to want to pay close attention to what I say. Sound fair enough?" Then it dawns on me that maybe he is seriously telling the truth. "Where...When.....Lex I swear to God if you lay a hand on her I will kill you!" I growl into the phone feeling my anger rising. "Awe... my oh my? Big brother is getting all protective.  Well all you have to do is play a little game. You like games Mister Wayne? You're so good at playing them I thought I'd make one for you myself!" "Just shut up and get to the damn point Lex!"  I say trying to keep my voice steady as I stand and head for the exit quickly. "My aren't we touchy! All you have to do is play a little game of Gladiator. What  do you say? The Batman Vs Son of Krypton? Sounds...exhilarating!" I feel my stomach twist. "Alright when and where?"

Bethany POV:

I sit tied to an old rickety chair, hands behind my back and dirty rag in my mouth. I feel groggy and my eyes keep wanting to close, but I won't let them. I want to be as alert and awake as possible.
"Ah Miss Wayne! I just had a lovely chat with your brother a little while ago! Now what to do with you? Oh I know! Let's have a reunion! I love a good heart warming reunion!" Says Lex walking towards a door at the end of the warehouse. I frown and wonder what he's talking about. He smiles creepily at me as he opens the door. "Did you miss me little girl?" I feel  my hands rattling and hear the blood pumping to my heart violently. In steps the Joker! I let out a hushed whimper, as I am almost choking on the rag in my mouth. I desperately pull and move around to get out of my restraints. But it's no use. I am trapped.
"My! How pretty you are! Last I saw you, you were only a little girl. And now you're , may I just say , wow! But somethings missing. Where's that smile of yours?" Says The Joker coming closer to where am seated. I try to calm my breathing and focus on a way of getting away. I close my eyes and try to remember what Bruce always told my when I was little and afraid. "Take a deep breath and think of something or somebody you love." I replay his voice over and over in my clouded and drowsy mind as I watch The Joker come to stand by my side.
I look up through glassy eyes and wish the saying "if looks could kill you'd be dead" was actually a reality.
"Oh come on cupcake. I don't want to kill you! I just want to ...Well reminisce a little bit is all. Would you like that?" He asks with a sickening grin as he motions for Lex to leave the room. "While you two are catching up, I have to attend to some pressing business. Enjoy!" Says Lex as he nods awkwardly and shuffles out of the room with a brief case in hand.
I can officially say this day sucks.
"Now that he's gone, I'm gonna be a gentleman and remove this rag so we can have a little chat. Must taste just...horrible I can imagine!" I flinch away as he reaches for the rag and takes it off. I gag and spit, trying to get the nasty taste out of my mouth.

He's now kneeling in front of me, his face plastered in mock compassion. I wish my brother was here.
"Well. Now that that's settled, let's catch up a little. So how ya been ?" I feel so sick I feel bile rising to my throat. I don't answer and just look away fearing I may break. "Oh I see. Not really in a talkative mood? Well I'd love to see that smile of yours. Come on give us a smile?" He says reaching up to touch my face. I flinch as I feel his cold bony fingers graze my cheek.
"Jeepers you won't even smile for me?! How disappointing. Well we might as well move on to the next part of our reunion. As you can remember all those years ago I left you a little gift. You know that little message? Well I have a new message, but this time it's for your brother. But you're gonna be the messenger ok?"
"How bout you shove it up your butt!" I snap, definitely failing at the bad a$$ part.
He laughs and rises to come and stand behind me. I feel him push my hair over my right shoulder and I can feel the damp night air on the bare part of my back that the dress doesn't cover. "Ah! The perfect place! Excuse my while I get my quill and ink!"
I begin to panic as he walks over to a table that has what looks like a blade and lighter on it. I squeeze my eyes shut praying that this is all a nightmare. I know it is not.
He comes back over with a smile so wide I'm hopeful his face will break. "Now this will only hurt...a lot." I bite my lip and try to focus on anything but the present. I feel the horrid white hot pain of the knife slowly slicing the skin on my back. A scream threatens to erupt from me as tears form in my eyes. No! I will not scream. I won't let him win. Not again, not this time. I will not cave.

General POV:

Diana Prince felt a strong urge to cry as she observed a fallen Superman laying on the ground lifeless. She noticed how Batman was silently standing over him with a distressed expression. No more than two hours ago those two had been fighting each other to the death. Now it was if Bruce had just lost a brother.
Taking a deep breath Diana stepped over to Bruce and placed a hand on his armoured shoulder. "We should get his body out of here. Go and find your sister. I'll take care of this." She said smiling slightly a Batman. He looked up and nodded mechanically. She let her hand fall as he turned from the scene before him and hurried off into the night.

I know this was kinda speed up but I just wanted to make this a bit different front the film. Hope you enjoyed! :)

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