Chapter Fifteen: Tables Turned

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Bethany POV:

  I angrily storm into the house, managing to startle poor Alfred who was dusting a vase on my right.

"Sorry Alfred. Where's Bruce?"

"In his bedroom.."

"Thank you." I cut him off and hurry toward the hall which leads to the stairs.

I jog up the stairs and try to think of how I will try to keep from going all crazy pants on Bruce.

I see his door is closed, so he must be sleeping.

Tough cookies. I gotta know the truth!

I rudely burst into his room and flick on the light.

This earns me a muffled groan and a couple of rude curse words from the groggy lump of muscle on the bed.

"Bruce we need to talk and now!" I snap as I watch him struggle to raise himself on his elbow.

He glares at me and runs a hand through his hair.

"Beth it's like 12:30. Seriously can't we argue tomorrow?"

"No! I want answers Bruce Wayne! I'm sick of all the sneaking around and lying. Just tell me!" I say a little louder than preferred.

"Beth, it doesn't concern you!"

"Oh really? Then why is Lex Luthor trying to kill me?! Why is the press so interested in my views on you and some gun dealer?! I would really like to know what's going on here!"

Bruce grumbles and throws off the covers.

Thank God he at least has sweat pants on!

"It's complicated ok. Look I'm trying to do what's right! I am trying to figure everything out! I don't care what the press thinks anymore!"

"Clearly! Cause you're making yourself look suspicious!" I retort.

"Look Beth! I have no choice! I have to do what I have to do."

"Why won't you at least tell me what is really going on?! Why do I never see you anymore? Why are you always in the Cave? Why do you care so much about some Krytonian dude? Why this gun dealer from God knows where?! Why can't you be honest to me anymore?" I say feeling my throat getting a lump in it.

Bruce looks at me with a pained look.

"I'm sorry Bethany. But I can't tell you."

"You know what Bruce that's fine. If we can't share anything anymore or be honest anymore then that's perfectly fine." I say in a quiet voice as I turn toward the door.


"No Bruce! I'm done! I am just gonna give you your space. I am gonna be staying with Nikki for awhile. If you wanna talk we can set up a meeting place if you want. All I know is that I can't be around this anymore. Goodbye Bruce." And with all that said I walk right out of the room and make my way toward my room to pack.

Bruce POV:

I stand there feeling betrayed and angry.

She doesn't understand. Or maybe I don't understand.

All I know is that I have lost my little sister.

But I have also got a lot of work to do.

This will all keep her and Gotham and maybe even the rest of the world safe. 

The time has come to end Superman. And if I have to sacrifice my reputation to put him to an end then so be it. 

I'm sorry Beth. But this has to happen.

Bethany POV:

I drag my suite case down the long set of stairs and make my way toward the front door.

"Going somewhere Miss Wayne?"

I stop in my tracks and sense Alfred behind me. 

"Yes Alfred. I'm leaving for awhile."

"Well is there anything I can say to change your mind?"

"I'm afraid not Alfred. I cannot be here anylonger. At least until Mr.Mystery upstairs wants to tell me everything that's going on then maybe I'll come back. But until then it's goodbye Alfred."

"Well I hope you'll be happy Miss Bethany. I will miss you." Says Alfred, his voice betraying his smiling exterior.

I turn and give him a small smile.

"Goodbye Alfred."

"Goodbye Miss Bethany. Take care."

I turn and leave before I start to cry.

I can't live in a web of lies and secrets.

I am going to find out the truth wether Bruce likes it or not.

Sorry Bruce, but I have no choice.

So sorry once again for the slow updates! I am just crazy busy! I hope u liked this and I would love to hear comments_ thanks for the patience and the support! God bless! :)

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