Chapter Six: You Dont Have To Be Superman

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"You don't have to be Superman. You don't have to hold the world in your hands, you've already shown me that you can, Don't have to be Superman..." -Rachel Platten "Superman"

This song to me sounds SO much like the character Bruce Wayne it's crazy! I absolutely love this song and Rachel's voice is just awesome so feel free to check it out cause it's awesome and beautiful! Hope you enjoy this chapter! Don't forget to rate or comment!! I would love to hear suggestions or thought on this:) Peace out!

Bruce POV:

I am currently checking my emails and listening to Alfred subtly hint that he disagrees with my escapades of last night. Gosh can't people let it go already! "Alfred. Where's Bethany?" I ask suddenly noticing I haven't seen her all morning. Alfred suddenly looks alarmed. "I haven't the slightest I idea Master Wayne. Would you like me to go check if she's in her room?" I smirk and shake my head. "No Alfred Ill go check. I'd like to speak with her actually." I say a s I stand from the table and stretch. Alfred nods and turns back to his current task of pouring himself a cup of coffee. Turning a corner I make my way to the stairs. I feel awful for the way I acted toward Bethany last night. We have never fought or had a disagreement like that before, as hard as it may be to believe it's true.

Once atop the stairs I quietly saunter to her door and give two polite knocks. I quickly look at my watch and notice it's already 9:30am. She's usually up by now. "Bethany?" I say loud enough to where if she were awake she'd hear me. I open the door and peek in to see her curled up like a toddler in her Columbia University sweatshirt and holding a pillow against her petite form. Her bed is a mess of disheveled sheets and pillows. I am about to leave when I notice a Starbucks coffee cup on her nightstand. "When did she get Starbucks?" I wonder as look from the coffee cup and back to her sleeping form. "If you're wondering when I got the coffee I'll just start by telling you it was long before you or Alfred were up." I roll my eyes. I should've known she was faking it! "What time did you get it?" I ask as I come in to the room and shut the door behind me softly. "Oh I don't know. Maybe like five o'clock this morning. Why?" She asks sitting up and looking up at me with her deep brown eyes. "Well I am a little concerned because you never get up at that early to go get coffee which isn't anywhere near as good as Alfred's." I say taking a seat on the bed, trying not to sit on her feet. I see her frown and shrug. Uh oh. Something's up. "I just felt I had to clear my mind. I had a nightmare last night. I thought a drive and some expensive coffee would ease my mind." My heart sinks a little at this. I must have not heard her last night. I always do. I have failed her again. I get up off her bed and run a hand through my hair. I can't believe I wasn't there for her! I angrily storm out of the room ignoring her voice asking me what's wrong. She's right, I have changed...

Bethany POV:

I sit there dumbfounded and a little more than confused. What is his problem? I told him the truth. Is he mad at me? If he was I'd like to know why. "Bruce wait!" I yell as I scramble out of bed and hurry after him. I fly down the stairs in record time and nearly take out Alfred in the process. I apologize and continue my search for Bruce.

Bursting through the elevator door and stepping into the Batcave I see Bruce sitting in his computer chair staring blankly at computer files which are flashing across the screen. "Bruce what is wrong with you? What did I do or say?" I ask taking a few slow, small steps towards him. "No. It's not you Beth. It's me. I'm mad at myself. I can't believe you had a nightmare and I wasn't there for you when you needed me. I'm not reliable anymore Beth. I haven't been reliable ever since the last time I left you. I have screwed up so many times. I know what I did last night wasn't orthodox, and I promise I'll make it right. Ok? I know I'm not as strong or as quick as I used to be. But please, trust me." He says as he looks up at me as I stand by his side.

I feel sorry for him. I always have. He's sacrificed so much for me and my safety. He's cared for me and protected me. "Bruce, I'll always trust you. You don't have to be Superman to be strong, you don't need special powers to do the right thing. You do all that you can. You're still the strongest and smartest man I know. And I'll always have faith in you and stand by you." I say laying a hand on his shoulder. He looks at me and gives me a smirk. "Thanks Beth." I smile and embrace him when he stands. He hugs back and chuckles into my hair. "And really? You had to bring Superman into this?!" He jokes. I roll my eyes and laugh with him. I untangle myself after a moment and turn to leave. "Oh hey wait a second! I just got invited to a party at Lex Luthor's place tonight. You wanna come with?" He asks sitting back down at his computer. I frown. I hate Lex Luthor! He's a creepy psycho! "Fine. But I won't enjoy it. You know how I don't like him!" I say turning and and heading to the elevator. He laughs and doesn't say anything. I groan and head out. Guess I should pick out my dress for tonight. Not gonna enjoy this...

What do you think? Who do you prefer? Bat man or Superman? Please let me know in the comments below and don't forget to Rate if you liked it and I'd love to hear your thoughts too!! Peace out !!:)

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