Chapter Seventeen: We're On Each Other's Team

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Bruce POV:

I slump down into my computer chair feeling a headache coming on. I have been up since 2:30am and now it's 5:30pm. I'm exhausted, and even that us putting it lightly.
"Master Wayne? Telephone for you sir."
"Huh? Oh ok I'll be right there Alfred." I say standing and stretching my aching muscles.
"Who is it?" I mouth as I reach Alfred who's holding the phone for me.
"Your sister." He says as he hands me the phone with a smile. What's he smiling at?
"Hello?" "Bruce?" "Bethany Wayne? Oh this is such a surprise! I was under the impression you were having problems with the Wayne establishment. Or was that all just a big misunderstanding on my part?" I say sarcastically as I begin to pace back and forth.
"Bruce is the sarcasm really necessary?" She asks clearly annoyed but trying to keep her temper in check.
"I don't know is it?" "Bruce! I want to talk with you." "Fine. Where and when?" "Tomorrow morning at eleven o'clock, your office at Wayne Enterprises. Do we have a date?"
"Hmm... well I guess I could make room for a consultation. See you tomorrow Miss Wayne." I say still wanting to slightly annoy her. "Thanks. See you then. And Bruce?" "Yeah Beth?" "I'm sorry."
And then the line goes dead.

Bethany POV:
    I make my way through lobby of Wayne Enterprises while trying to read the news paper which I found in the street this morning. It was wet when I found it so all the ink has run and it's incredibly hard to read. I give up and toss it into the nearest trash basket on my way to the elevator. "Bruce will know what was in it anyway." I mutter as I shut the elevator doors.
My phone ringing snaps me from daydreaming. "Hello?" "Hey there sweet heart! It's Lex. I was just calling to see how you were doing this glorious morning?" My blood runs cold.
"I was fine up until this call." I answer dryly as I watch the numbers change indicating I'm near my desired floor.
" Oh well I am sorry to hear that. I wanted to see if you were feeling any better? I heard you had quite the scare." Oh how I wish I could pull a Darth Vader and choke this guy with my mind.
"I'm doing very well thank you. Now if you're done I'd like to hang up." "My! How unfriendly you are! Well I guess that'll change someday. Have a good one!" Then the line is dead.

This whole thing is starting to give me the creeps. I take a deep breath and pop my phone back into my purse and take a deep breath as the elevator doors open. I step out and head for Bruce's office. His secretary Grace is there and she looks up giving me a smile. I return the gesture and go to open the door.
I see Bruce in the middle of the room staring at a large flat screen. There's a trial going on that involves Superman. I wonder what's up now. "Bruce?" I see him turn and look at me with aggravation in his eyes. Oh great. "Bruce what's wrong?" I ask I hurry over to him. He gestures toward the tv and walks away, telling his assistant Grace to go get something. I look and all I see is a mess of anger and confusion.
"Bruce...." I'm interrupted by an employee bursting into the room bringing in files and dropping them on the large conference table in front of my brother. I watch as Bruce flips through them. He says something to the employee and then the employee leaves leaving the papers behind. I walk over to Bruce and reach past him, picking up the papers. "What is this all about?" "Lex and flyboy." Mutters Bruce as he looks at the tv again. I frown and drop the papers on the table. "Bruce. I want to apologize. For everything. We NEVER used to fight at all. Now it seems that's all we do. I'm gonna say something too. So please listen. I won't bother you or doubt your judgement anymore. I trust you know what you're doing. I'm sorry. I just want things to be ok between us again. I'll do anything, just please forgive me." I say to Bruce's back.
He turns to me with a small smile on his handsome face. "I'm sorry too. I haven't been honest with you, and I'm gonna try and fix everything. But I can't do it without you. I need your help." I nod. "You've got it big brother. So are we a team again?" I say humorously as I extend my hand. Bruce chuckles and pulls me into a bone crushing hug. "Yeah you betcha." A knock interrupts our sibling moment and we turn to see the same employee who brought the files earlier. He walks over and hands Bruce the news paper and then takes his leave again. I untangle myself from the embrace and stand next to Bruce who's opening the news paper.
The only that catches my eye is the bold red lettering that says "YOU LET YOUR FAMILY DIE." My heart skips a beat and I shiver. I can feel the anger and heat rolling off of Bruce. "Lex." I whisper trying to control my nerves. I feel an arm wrap around my waist and pull me close.
"We're gonna be ok Beth. I promise."

(Time Skip)

General POV:

      Bethany and Bruce were sparring later that day. So far Bruce was winning. "Come on Bruce! This isn't fair! You work out ALL the time! I just run!" Said Bethany panting as she lay on the floor of the Batcave, holding her aching side. "Excuses will get you nowhere young lady." Teased Bruce as he offered her a hand up. She chuckled and made a move to take his hand but quickly swept his feet out from under him and pinned him to the ground. "And letting your guard down will get you killed Batsy." Taunted Bethany smirking down at her big brother who was groaning.
"Yeah yeah, you just got lucky is all. Now get off me before this gets anymore awkward!" Answered Bruce as Bethany crawled off of him. "You know for an older guy Bruce, you're pretty spry."
"I'm only 37!" Snapped Bruce as he stood and sauntered over to grab a water bottle from the mini fridge.

"Yeah only three from forty. You scared of old age?"
Bethany laughed when Bruce turned and glared at her as he reached for a cold water. Bruce shut the fridge and practically drained the whole bottle of water. She raised her eyebrow as he finished the entire thing and placed the plastic back on top of the fridge. "How about we go out for dinner? I already gave Alfred the night off and I got us reservations at The Plaza." "Hey that sounds great! I just need an hour and I'll be ready." Said Bethany as she stood and brushed herself off.
"And while you're at make sure to shower cause there's no way I'm going out with you smelling like this." Said Bruce as he headed for the door. "Oh yes cause I was just gonna go change into clean clothes and through on makeup when I'm all gross and sweaty." Said Bethany sarcastically as she followed him.

(One Hour Later)

"Beth hurry up! I'm starving!" Yelled Bruce up the staircase as he fixed his tie. "Jeepers Bruce! I'm right here!" Answered Bethany as she came down the stairs while trying to put in a diamond earring. (Dress She's wearing below)

"I must say sis, you do clean up nice." Said Bruce as he smiled at his sister as she reached the bottom of the staircase. "You don't look too shabby yourself." Complimented Bethany as she finished putting the earring in. "Ok. Our ready cause I'm starving?" Asked Bruce as he pulled on his blazer. "Yes sir. Who's driving me or you?" Bruce snickered. "Definitely me." Bethany playfully rolled her eyes and followed him to the front door. "Sorry sis but I actually want to live to see forty." Bethany chuckled as Bruce opened her door for her. "See! You're getting old!" "Am not!" Said Bruce as he closed her door and got in on the other side. They continued bantering for about fifteen more minutes before Bruce broke the spell. "Bethany I want you to know something, and please just hear me out." Bethany looked at him with a raised eyebrow. "I want you to know that I do not expect you to always be with me. I know someday you're gonna get married and probably move away from here, I understand why you would want to. Don't let me get in the way of your happiness or future, I will support whatever you choose to do. So please if you meet a guy and fall in love, please just get married and give me some nieces and nephews." Bethany smiled sadly. "And I want you to know that if I don't make it out of this one, that you have been my best friend and that I love you more than anything in this world. I am proud of what you have accomplished and who you have become. And thanks for being moral compass all these years. I'd be lost without you sis." Finished Bruce looking briefly over at a now teary eyed Bethany.
"Thanks Bruce. I love you too." Said Bethany as she gave Bruce a smile through her glassy eyes. Bruce gave her back her smile. "Now don't cry. You'll mess up your makeup and look like a racoon. I don't want people thinking we're falling apart all the time." Teased Bruce as he focused on the road. Bethany let out a chuckle. "Way to ruin the moment Bruce."

So here it is! This book only has a few more chapters to go before this part of the story comes to a close. Thanks all of you again for the support and love! I mean ten thousand views?! That's awesome!!! God bless!!

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