Chapter Twelve: Tik Tok

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Here it is at last! Sorry for the wait but as I have said I have been crazy busy! Please don't forget to rate or comment cause it means the world to me. ;) thank u all and peace out and hope u enjoy this chapter!

Bruce POV:

I hurry into the emergency room office and practically throw myself into the front desk. "Bruce Wayne. I'm here to see my sister Bethany Wayne. I heard she was being transported here a half hour ago. I need to see her." I pant trying to calm down as best I can.

The lady behind the desk looks at me in an almost cold way as she flips through some papers in front of her. "Room 213. Mr. Wayne, she's not good at all. Be prepared for the worst." Says the nurse as I take off for the doors leading down a hallway. I give her a dirty look and ignore the comment as I head through the doors. I can't lose her. I WON'T lose her.

Third Person POV:

Bruce burst into room 213 and beheld a pale sickly looking version of the young woman who was supposed to be his healthy, beautiful, strong sister. This wasn't his Bethany laying in front of him.

"Sir we are going to have to ask you to leave.." says a nurse who comes over to Bruce and tries her best to pull him out of the room. Bruce rips his arm away. "This is my sister nurse! I'm not going anywhere!" He snaps hurrying over to Bethany's side. "Mr. Wayne? I'm doctor Peterson. I'm afraid you WILL have to leave because your sister is to be taken in to be operated on. It's the only way we may be able to save her." Says a tall white haired doctor who comes from outside the room. Bruce fights the urge to say something smart back, but he chooses not to.

Grabbing his little sisters cold hand, he leans forward and lays his forehead against hers. "Stay with me Beth. Don't leave me. I need you. Alfred needs you too. I love you. Just please don't give up." He whispers, fighting back tears that threaten to spill forth, as he kisses her forehead. Taking a step back Bruce looks at the doctor and the nurses who begin rushing in to take Bethany away.

"Do your best doc. She's all I have left." Says Bruce, seriously to the doctor,as he leaves the room and heads to the waiting room.


"Alfred? Will Bruce ever come back home?" Asked a small, dark headed girl as she colored in her princess coloring book. Alfred turned from the sink where he was doing dishes. "I'm sure he will Miss Bethany." He answers and returns to attending the dishes. "Does Bruce like me Alfred? Am I the reason he left?" Asked Bethany as she colored in a dress. "Your brother loves you very much my dear girl. And no, your brother just needs some space, I guess you could say, from this place. It has nothing to do with you." Said Alfred sympathetically as he turned and smiled at her. She faked a smile back and continued her coloring.

Later that night Bethany layed awake looking at a family photo album. She looked through this one every night. She loved the pictures of the parent she never knew. She had no memory of them. She never had sadly. Bruce had told her about them, and they sounded like wonderful people. How she wished she'd known them.

"Miss Bethany shouldn't you be in bed? You have school in the morning." Bethany looked up to see Alfred standing on the door way looking very tired and worried. "I am Alfred. Just looking at photos is all. I won't be long." Said Bethany as she turned to the last page.

"Alright. Goodnight Miss Bethany." Said Alfred shutting the door behind him. "Goodnight Alfred." Answered Bethany as she looked over the photos quickly. Her eyes landed on one with her and Bruce. It was of her and Bruce on her fifth birthday. That was five years ago. She wished she could go back in time to that day. She wanted to feel happy and whole again. She wanted her brother back.

"Please Come home Bruce. I need you." Whispered Lily as she wiped away tears which slowly slid down he face. "I need you."

Bethany POV:

"I need you." That all I hear as I try to open my eyes. The memory from my childhood clings too me like a wet t shirt. I wish I could tear it out of my head which throbs miserably in pain.

Am I even alive? Am I dead? Why can't I see or move? Where am I?

"Bethany! Bethany!" I instantly open my eyes and see I am surrounded in brilliant, angelic light. Am I in heaven?! "Who are you?! Where am I?!" I ask blinking as I adjust my eyes. "It's me Robin. And don't worry you're not dead." Laughs the voice of Robin from behind me. I whip my head around and see Robin, all in one piece and radiant looking. "Robin?!" I whisper as I try to move to him but find myself being held back by some sort of force. "Just listen to me cause we don't have long. Lois Lane is the key! You have to keep her safe! And most importantly, there is a detonator in your head. Lex slipped u an undetectable poison in your drink and injected it before your brother found you in the library. You're slowly dying. But it's only because you're giving up."

I hear what he says but I feel waves of pain wash over me. "Robin I can't..." "Stop it! Yes you can! Fight! It isn't your time yet! They need you down there! I'm not gonna let you give up!" Snaps Robin
as he appears before me in an instant. I try to speak but am pulled back into darkness....

Bruce POV:

I am sitting in a small empty waiting room. The suspense is killing me. How did this happen? "Mr. Wayne?"

I look up to see Clark Kent looking down at me with concern. "I'm not in the mood for an interview son." I murmur running a hand down my face. I hear him clear his throat. Probably for the better he didn't say anything back cause I'm in no mood for anything tonight. "I thought you should know I found your sister outside that new club in town. She had some sort of spell and so I brought her here. If there's anything I can do.." "No thank you. I appreciate what you've already done. Thank you." I say sincerely as I look up at him. He nods. "Oh and I hope there are no hard feelings Mr. Wayne,from Lex Luthors gathering." Says Clark. I smirk.

"Well,time will tell won't it son?"

So sorry it took so long but here it and I hope you enjoyed !! Please comment or rate below so I can hear what you think! Thank you all and peace out!

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