Chapter Fourteen: Dazed And Confused

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I am so sorry about the extremely late update! I have been way too busy and I just got back from a low key military type academy college thingy and I'm just getting on my normal schedule again. So here it is and thanks for all your patience! :)

[Five Days Later]

Bethany POV:

So I am home now currently watching Sherlock in the living room. It's the episode The Hounds of Baskerville. It's like my favorite and normally I would be glued to it by today I'm not. I'm thinking about how I almost was killed by the detonator in my head.

So apparently Lex spiked my drink which caused me to pass out which gave him the chance to inject a small detonator into my skull. The doctors were lucky enough to remove it before any major damage was inflicted. I'm just wondering though, why me? What have I ever done to Lex before?!

Just then my phone starts buzzing and I see it's a text from my boss.

"Can u come in tonight? I'm gonna be out for the weekend."

"Yeah sure. I'll be there asap." I text back.

I switch off the tv and stand, stretching like a crazy person.

I was hoping I would have one more day of but hey it's all cool.

I sigh and head for the hallway. "Alfred? Alfred?"

I call as I head to the kitchen.

I hear pots banging and British profanities as I step closer to the door.

"Alfred are you ok?!" I ask as I push open the door to reveal a flustered looking Alfred on his knees by th stove, surrounded by a sea of pots and pans.

"Yes Miss Wayne. Now what did you really want me for?" Asks Alfred standing and brushing himself off.

"I just wanted to tell you I am heading in to work. I won't be back till late , oh and I'll grab something to eat at the hospital ok?" I say.

"Alright Miss Wayne. Please drive safely."

I smile at his words. "Absolutely Alfred."

(Time Skip To Later That Night)

I sit here at my desk checking off patients I've visited these past few hours.

The work is exhausting but I love it. There are so many people here that are either sick from lack of nutrition or injuries from robberies, car accidents, drug abuse, domestic abuse and all the other horrible defects of society.

"Doctor Wayne?" I look up to see a very pretty woman, who appears to be a reporter in her late twenties to early thirties, standing in front of my desk with a pen and paper in hand.

Really?! And interview?!

"Yes may I help you?" I say smiling up at her.

"I'm Lois Lane from The Daily Planet. I'm here to ask you a few questions regarding your brother Mr. Bruce Wayne." Says the red haired woman as she extends her hand, which I cautiously shake.

"Oh boy. You sure you want to?" I joke as I stand and come around to stand before her.

She laughs and nods. "Absolutely."

"Well why don't we go and grab some coffee? I'm on break for ten minutes so let's head to the cafeteria shall we?" I say motioning out the door.

Lois follows me and we make our way to the cafeteria.

"So what are your opinions on Lex Luthor? I heard from a co-worker that you and him were quite at odds lately." Her bold question makes me a little irritated.

"My opinion of Mr. Luthor is this, he is arrogant, rude, and narcissistic. He cannot be trusted." I reply honestly as I open the door to the cafeteria for her. She nods her thanks as we go in to find a place to sit.

"And what is your brother's opinion of him?"

What does his opinion matter?

"You'd have to ask my brother Miss Lane. I would prefer to let him speak for himself."

"As you wish Doctor Wayne. Then would you mind telling me you're opinion on your brother's business involving Anatoli Knyvez?"

My heart stops.

"My brother doesn't have any business with an arms dealer. And believe me he's smart enough to not get involved."

"Really? Cause I have a co worker who seems to think otherwise."

"And who would that be?"

"Clark Kent."

Things have now gone from good to bad. I need to talk to Bruce.


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