Chapter Two: Coming Home Part Two

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Bethany POV:

I met Alfred at the airport as he had suggested and before I knew it we were on our way back to Gotham. I remember feeling dread and anxiety as we landed in the Gotham airport. Alfred had been upbeat and cheerful through the whole trip. I had been glad to see at least one of us was doing well. I had been a little hurt by Alfred's decision to work for someone new. I knew it was wrong of me to feel that way,but I had known him my whole life. It just felt strange is all. I told him I wouldn't stay anymore than a few days at his friend's house. I had been thinking about going to Peru for the Winter and I wasn't gonna pass that up.

Alfred then drove us out of the city and into the countryside. I loved the woods. Bruce and I had spent many of our years together wandering the forests outside the city and around the Wayne Manor. Alfred then out of the blue decided to rampage through the brush and do some trailblazing. It only earned him a scratched car and a raised eyebrow along with a gaping mouth from me.

After his trailblazing spell he somehow found a dirt road which seemed to appear before our very eyes(I am exaggerating of course!). "Man where does this dude live Alfred?!" I had exclaimed a little disturbed by the events I had been witnessing. "Just a little ways further Mistress Bethany." He had said with a cheesy smile on his face. I couldn't help but chuckle at this frivolity of his. He seemed happy and eccentric. He seemed back to his normal self. Maybe that's what bugged me.

We arrived at a big pool of spring water which was supplied by a massive waterfall. "Why don't you get out and stretch your legs Mistress Bethany? I am just gonna drive around and see if I can find the drive. My mind, is...well you know how it is." He had said laughing quietly. I laughed with him and agreed. I had watched him drive away leaving me tired and thirsty. I looked at the water lustfully ,considering taking a few handfuls for myself.

I decided to go to the source of the water, since that's where it would be the freshest, and get my fill. I hurrried to the spot where the rocks were steep and the falls splashed over the granite boulders. I remember reaching the mouth of the falls and suddenly feeling at peace and relaxed. I had been so swept up in the scenery that I hadn't noticed the slippery algae on one of the rocks in front of me. You can only gather what had happened then. All I remember is I fell and then everything had gone black.

I awoke to the sound of rushing water and oddly enough bats squeaking. I wasn't afraid of them, but then again they weren't my favorite animal in the world.

"How the..." My thoughts were interrupted by a hand on my shoulder. I screamed and jumped back. I rolled my eyes and realized it was a young man, probably around my age or maybe a bit older. "Who the heck are you?!" I asked taking a few steps back. The young man frowned. "My name is Robin. I saw you fall in and know.." He said shyly as he kicked a random stone with his black combat boots.

"Well...then why are you here? Do you live here?"

"Yeah I guess you could say that." He answered

"Do you know Alfred Pennyworth?" I ask desperately.


"Wait! Do you live with the guy Alfred works for?! Are you like his son or like grandson or something?" I ask feeling hopeful.

He chuckled. "Yes. But I'm not exactly his son. I'm his protege I guess you could say."

"Oh cool. So can we like please leave this cave? I mean it's really cold and I'd like to see if Alfred is alright."

"No need to worry miss. He is fine. Come on, I'll take you to the house."

I smile and let him take the lead. Oddly he turns and heads further into the cave.

"Um..shouldn't we go outside? I mean isn't there a trail or more like a dirt road? Alfred said he'd be...."

"Alfred is already at the house. I sent him there and told him we'd be along. So please don't worry." Said Robin as he had lead us further into the cave. I was quite confused by all this. What was going on?

I had been thinking this guy must be crazy or something to live in a cave. I mean what was he, some kind of bat? But I followed on until we had reached a huge cavern. Robin lead me over to what looked like an elevator carved into the wall. "Wow! This is so trippy!" I thought as I had watched him punch in some sort of code into a device on the wall which opened the elevator for us.

I remember feeling something click in the back of my mind as we had begun our ascent up the shaft. Something familiar perhaps was lurking in this cave. I had been a little unnerved I must say once we stopped and exited the elevator and entered a huge weaponry type room.

"So...what kinda protege are you?" I had asked once I'd noticed all the different types of weapons and gadgets hanging on the stone walls.

"Oh I'm a keeper of the peace in training. I hope to be as good as The Batman someday." Robin had said with a hopeful look on his boyishly handsome face as he had continued to lead me toward another door.

I chuckled internally. He'd never be as good.

"I take it you and your ...trainer had been fans of this Batman?" I said more than asked.

"We still are miss. I mean The Batman is still with us no after what anybody wants to tell you ."

"Oh I know he is. In spirit though." I said sadly.

Robin looked like he had something to say but didn't say anymore to me.

He opened up the door for me and let me step into a big office type room. Funny how much it had looked like Bruce's old Batcave office.

I noticed Alfred standing over by another elevator. I ran over and hugged him again for like the fourth time this day. He only chuckled happily and smiled as I had turned to see the elevator doors open to reveal none other than...

"Bethany?" I heard the voice and felt the ground collide with me. And all I rememberd was darkness....

"Alfred how is she?"

"She'll be fine Master Robin. Just a little shocked from the excitement of the reunion."

"What reunion?!" I had grumbled as I opened my eyes to reveal a relieved looking Alfred and Robin.


There standing in the doorway had been none other than Bruce Wayne himself. I felt faint again but blinked and took a couple deep breathes as he took a few long strides into the bedroom. All I could do was stare in awe at him. He looked alive and well.

"Are you real?" I asked as I reached out to touch his face as he knelt by my bedside.

"Yes. I'm real." He said quietly as I reached out and touched  his smooth, handsome face.

"How? Why? How could you..."

"I'm sorry Beth. I could have killed myself for lying about my death. But I needed protection for you and time for me." Said Bruce as he takes my hand in his large one.

All the anger, grief and hurt left me once I saw the sincerity in his deep green eyes. I could never EVER stay mad at Bruce. I loved and looked up to him too much to stay mad at him.

"Welcome home Batman." I said as a sob over took me and I pretty much jumped out of bed and tackled my brother in a huge hug. I heard him laugh that laugh of his I loved and had missed so much. I felt his arms wrap around me and hold me tightly. We sat there on the floor just holding onto each other. I felt at peace. I felt at home and safe again.

"Welcome home Bethany."


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