Chapter Twenty-Two: Taking Flight

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Four months later...

Bethany POV:

"Dr.Wayne I'm telling you I know I have some sort of disease! I mean I just don't feel right!" Declares the same patient who arrives every Thursday morning with a new ailment to his list. I bite my tongue and cross his name off of my clip board.

"Mr.Anderson, we have run all the tests we could possible offer, we have examined you thoroughly and there are no signs of ANY physical ailments. Now I'm sorry but you're just going to have to be satisfied with being healthy." I answer trying to hide my annoyance. Mr.Anderson shrugs and stands from the examination table. "Alright. If you say so Doc. Are ya gonna give me any prescription?" I give him a raised eyebrow. "Nope. There's no need. You don't have anything that needs medication. Good day." I say and turn to leave my office, opening the door for him.

He gives me a sheepish look and lumbers out of the room like a kicked puppy. I shake my head and walk over to the reception desk. "That man is clearly an addict. He comes in every week wanting whatever drug we can prescribe. I'm telling you one thing Jeanine it's only gotten worse over the last few months." I comment to the receptionist Jeanine who is typing away at her laptop.  She nods in agreement. "I know. I have a brother like that. Except he's in a rehab facility where he's at least taken care of. It's a shame really." "Yeah. Well I'm gonna head home now. I'll see you next week alright?" Jeanine smirks. "Yup. I'm not going anywhere."
I laugh quietly and head off toward the elevator that will take me to the parking garage. I step in and punch in the numbers required and patiently wait to descend. My mind wanders back to my recent patient. How sad it is that drugs have become his "savior", his life-line. Lately the drug problems have escalated here in Gotham, leaving me and the hospital to deal with the patients and their effects. It's beginning to be a real problem.

{Skip to garage}

As I unlock my car I feel my phone vibrating in my coat pocket.
Pulling it out, I turn it on to see it's a message from Alfred. Sliding into the front seat and closing the door behind me, I open the message. Are you on your way home? If so please hurry.
My heart beat jumps and I quickly turn on my car and back out.
Oh my gosh something must have happened to Bruce!
I roll out of the garage and quickly get to the exit and hit the highway. Dear God please let everything be ok!

General POV:
      Bethany pulled into the underground garage and with lightning speed parked, shut the car off and dashed toward the elevator. In a matter of minutes she arrived in the Batcave which she noticed was empty. She hurried toward the next elevator and took it to her brother's study, and found that was empty as well.
She decided to just check the upstairs and ran through the study's door and out into the grand hallway. Flying up the stairs she called out for Alfred and her brother. "Alfred?! Bruce? Where are you?!" She called in a desperate voice as she headed towards her brother's room.
As she burst through ghost his door, she found Alfred standing over a large mound which lay in a heap on the King sized bed.
"Alfred?! What happened?" Asked Bethany fighting back a lump in her throat as she came to stand behind the butler. Alfred turned toward her with a tired face, but a kind smile. "He's alright now. I've got him stabilized. He tore his shoulder, smashed his skull, and has a gash in his arm that would be deep enough to be the grand canyon. I'll stitch him up in a bit. Right now I just need you to keep an eye on him."
Bethany breathed in a shaky breath and pinched the bridge of her nose. "Yes absolutely. Thank you Alfred. We'd be lost without you." Answered Bethany as Alfred placed a hand on her trembling shoulder. "No need to thank me Mistress Bethany." And with that Alfred took his leave, leaving Bethany a full view of Bruce.
He was laying there in black sweatpants and no shirt, looking pale and completely powerless. It wasn't often she saw her brother so badly hurt. It made her sick.

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⏰ Last updated: May 06, 2017 ⏰

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