Chapter Twenty: Aftermath

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        General POV:

                    "Lex pick up the damn phone!" Growled Bruce as he was driving like a madman through the streets of Gotham. His plea was answered in a matter of minutes. "Well look at this! You made it!" Came the sing songy voice of Lex from the other side of the phone. "Where's Bethany?!" "Oh well she's fine. She was being kept company by an old friend of yours." "Enough!" Snapped Bruce. "Where is she?!" "Alright. If you're going to get pushy. She's in your very own warehouses. Since you're the one who got her in this mess we thought it appropriate to keep her close to home. Happy findings." Bruce heard the line go dead. "Dear God please let her be alive."

{Time Skip To The Warehouse}

Bruce had searched over five warehouses and had come up with nothing. Now on number six he was ready to believe that Lex had lied to him when he saw a small trail of blood leading toward a door at the the farthest end of the room. Bruce noticed it was slightly ajar and dread instantly took over him as he hurried toward it. Bursting through the rusty doors, Bruce beheld a young woman who appeared to be unconscious. Maybe even dead. Her once beautiful dress was ripped and covered in blood and dirt, her feet were bare and were covered in dirt and traces of blood. He stalked over and noticed her head was bent down to her chest, concealing her face. He felt rage building up in him and he quickly knelt behind her and began undying her hands noticing that they also were covered in blood. Once she was untied he hurried back to the front of her and caught her as she fell limp into his arms. Bruce knelt there and just cradled his sister's body to his armoured one. "Bethany?! Beth it's me Bruce! Come on Beth wake up!" He said sternly trying to keep his voice steady as he slightly pulled her away from him so he could see her face.
It was all bruised and her nose was covered in dried blood. The sight broke his heart. "Bethany! Bethany! It's me! It's Bruce! You're ok now. I'm gonna fix you." He pleaded gently patting her cheeks in an attempt to revive her. It did nothing. He then desperately checked for a pulse. He found one, but it was barely existent.

Gently laying her down on the cold cement, Bruce dialed Alfred.
"Alfred it's Bruce. We're at the warehouses. Number 126. I'm on my way home. I have Bethany. And it doesn't look good."
"I'll have everything ready Master Wayne."

Bethany POV:

   "Bruce! Bruce! Bruce help me!" I scream as I run through the halls of our home. I see Bruce standing by a large window looking out at the scenery as I round the bend and continue my pleas for help. He turns, alarmed and kneels down and opens his arms just in time as I fling my five year old body into his arms. "What on earth is the matter?" He asks picking me up and holding me close looking back toward where I'd come running from. "There was a monster and he was going to eat me! He was in my closet!" I exclaim as I clung to my "knight in shining armour." Bruce looks at me in disbelief. "In the middle of the day? Are you sure?" He asks giving me a smirk.
I try to look at him with a straight face but end up giggling and hiding my face in his shoulder. I hear him laugh slightly and look up to see us heading down the hallways back towards my room. "I'll chase him away for you. No one's gonna hurt you as long as I'm here." He says heroically. "I know. You would never let any mean old monsters get me. Promise?" "Always Beth." He laughs. "Always."

My dream is brought to an end by a sudden reveal of excruciating bright light. I try to open my eyes but the light is harsh. I feel like my back is on fire and I feel sore everywhere. But the biggest question is where am I?
I attempt to open my eyes again and this time am successful. I blink furiously, trying to adjust. Then the lights dim and a series of smaller lights turn on. This is much better.
I look up and see a familiar metal panel ceiling. Where am I? Who cares?! I'm alive!!
I feel relief wash over me as I start to breathe easier. Then I feel a hand on my head slowly start stroking my hair. I tense up and feel sick at this gesture and immediately jerk up and launch myself at the person who is touching me. All I can see is The Joker as the figure and I collide with the hard tile flooring. I claw and try to get at the person underneath me. But he's much stronger and he flips me over making me land HARD onto my cut up back. I scream in pain and furiously try to fight off my "attacker". But I'm pinned and feel like I could pass out again from all the pain in my back.
I squeeze my eyes shut and wait for a blow. But nothing comes. Like a timid child I turn my head and open my eyes to reveal a concerned and heartbroken face looking down at me. Big brown eyes look down into mine with sadness. Do I know this face? It seems familiar. Why can't I form his name? I feel tears brim my eyes and turn my head away from the man's gaze. I feel all torn and sick inside. My heart beat is speeding up and I feel my head pounding. I hear The Joker's cackling laugh ringing through my ears. I break down sobbing like a scared little child. "Bethany! It's ok it's me Bruce! Come on kiddo look at me!" My ears prick up and my heart stands still. Bruce? I turn my face back to his. He looks so scared, so sad. He slowly removes his hands from my wrists and slowly pulls them away. I look him over just to make sure I'm not dreaming. "B..B..Bruce?" "Yes it's me." He responds smiling slightly. I start crying again and reach my arms up to try to pull myself up. I feel Bruce pick me as if I weigh nothing as I continue to quietly cry as I'm held  in my big brothers protecting arms.
Through blurry eyes I see he's carrying me back over to the table thingy I'd been lying on. He makes a move to put me down, but I desperately hold onto him like a child who's afraid of the water.
"Hey it's ok. I'm just gonna set you down. I'm right here." He soothes as he makes another move to set me down. I let him place my onto the table. I sit there feeling weak and dizzy. He comes to stand in front of me. I notice he's holding a some rubbing alcohol and some gauze in his hand. "I'm just gonna clean up the cuts on your face ok?" He says softly as he pushes hair out of my face. I nod and try to calm my breathing. I close my heavy eyes and patiently wait for him to clean up the cuts. I feel the stinging sensations as the alcohol enters my cuts. I just relax and let Bruce work.
The laughing has stopped. And my head feels slightly better.
I feel him cleaning the last of the cuts on my face and I open my eyes to see him turn away from me and head over to a cabinet. I look around and notice we're in the Batcave. How didn't I recognize anything? How did I not even recognize my own brother?
I turn back to see Bruce bringing over a stack of clothing. It's a t-shirt, sweat pants, and a pair of socks. "I'm sure you want a shower. You can put these on when you get out.." "Bruce. My's cut up pretty good." I say not looking him in the eyes. He pauses. "Oh yeah let me take a look at it." I look down and see I'm still in the dress I wore to dinner. Though it's pretty much unrecognizable thanks to the events of earlier. I feel Bruce sweep away my hair which has fallen over my back. I feel eyes burning into my back. There's a long silence that follows.
"Who did this?" Whispers Bruce his voice shaking in anger.
I feel a lump in my throat. "I can't..I'll tell you after I get cleaned up." I say quietly. I hear him sigh. I feel white hot pain streak through my back as he begins cleaning my back. I let out a small whimper. "Sorry Bethany. I can't help that." "I know." I answer.
He finishes and before he can say anything I slip of the table and head towards the bathroom he has at the back of the room. "I want to see you up stairs when you're done. You gonna be ok?" He asks. "Yeah. Ill be fine." I reply as I open the bathroom door and enter the small room.

[Time Skip To After The Shower]

I feel a lot cleaner once emerge from the refreshing shower and begin to dress myself in the clothes Bruce gave me. My back still burns in pain but at least now I'm safe and home. I pull the t shirt on and look into the mirror and look at my face closely. All the make up, caked blood and tear streaks are gone. The bruises are still sticking out like sore thumbs, but eh. They'll heal. I look in the mirror one last time and head out the door and make my way to the elevator. Once inside I press the keys and wait patiently to reach the main house. The door opens and I step out into Bruce's office area. Finding it empty I head for the living room, guessing that's probably where he's waiting.
The house is so quiet it's almost eerie as I make my way to the living room. Opening the door I see Bruce sitting on the couch staring into the flames of a small fire within the fireplace.
I step in and shut the door quietly behind me. He doesn't even look at me when I come to stand beside the couch. "Bruce?"
I ask making him turn to look up at me with glassy eyes. "Hey you feel any better?" I smile slightly. "Just cleaner." He nods. I step over and sit down beside him, leaning into him for warmth. I feel his arms wrap around me and I let myself relax against him. I listen to this steady beat of his heart, letting it lull me to sleep.
"Who did that to you Bethany?" I feel dread in my gut, but know I have to tell him. "It was The Joker. He's back Bruce." I say quietly.
Bruce says nothing. He only holds me closer. "Bethany, I'm so sorry for all this. I got caught up in a game. And you were the one who paid for it. I promised to keep you safe and..." I am not gonna let him take the blame for this! I pull myself away just enough so I can look him in the eyes. "Bruce Wayne you shut up before I scream at you! You didn't do anything to put me in harm's way! All you've done this whole time is try to keep me safe! This was all meant to happen and it couldn't be changed. It's not any bit of your fault. Now just stop!" I say sternly. I watch Bruce look at me in surprise. "Finally I got you speechless." I say trying to lighten the mood slightly. "Now it's my turn. Are you ok Bruce?" I ask putting a hand on his shoulder. "Yeah. I'm fine now." He says.
"What was it that you really wanted to talk to me about?" I ask.
"First off you know Superman? Well...he's ...dead. And I have to tell you. Clark Kent, your reporter friend, that was him. And I want you to know that I didn't kill him. He actually died as my ally. The funeral is Saturday and I was wondering if you wanted to tag along to pay your respects?" I feel sadness come over me at the news. " yeah absolutely. He was really..." Bruce nods slowly. "Yeah I'm gonna be honest I thought they looked a bit alike." I say earning a chuckle from Bruce. "Hmm. It took you that long?" He teases. I punch his shoulder slightly and lean back into his arms. "Oh shush up Batsy." I retort.
There's a long comfortable silence that follows. This is nice. Just me and Bruce bonding it out, finding comfort in each other.
"There's a storm coming Bethany. And I'm gonna need you by my side when it hits." Says Bruce after about fifteen minutes of pure silence. "I'll be there. You can count on it." I answer. "Bruce?" "Yeah?" "Thanks for saving me." Bruce smirks. "Hey someone's gotta save the helpless damsel in distress." He says giving my head a brotherly kiss. "And every damsel in distress needs a knight. In my case a Dark Knight." I respond. "That's deep Beth." Says Bruce making me laugh. "Hey it's true! I would be lost without you!" I say laughing. "Same here little sis. Same here."
In a matter minutes we both began to doze off. Neither of us wanted to move so we just gave in and fell asleep, feeling safe and sound in each others arms.

I know this was really long but the book is coming to a close. The next chapter will be the closing one! I am so sad this is coming to an end. :( Hope you enjoyed and stay tuned for the final chapter. Oh and I have a but of a surprise in the end of the next chapter...')

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