Chapter Twenty-One: Burying A Hero And The Road Ahead

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General POV:

One week later

Bethany stood in the hallway of the Kent home, looking over all the pictures that hung on the walls. She felt a lump in her throat as her eyes drank in all the happiness the pictures portrayed. "He didn't deserve death." She whispered to herself as she took a step away for the pictures and noticed a door open at the very end of the hallway. Out of curiosity, she made her way over and peeked in. Laying on what must have been Clark's old bed, was Lois, looking up at the beige colored ceiling with eyes glistening with tears. Bethany felt as if she were intruding, and began to move away from the doorway. "Wait. Don't leave me alone. I just need talk to." Came the voice of Lois from within the room.
Bethany, slightly started, timidly walked into the room. She closed the door behind her and crossed her arms, looking down at the floor. "I'm so sorry for your loss Lois. He didn't deserve to die like that." Said Bethany quietly as Lois sat up and dried her eyes. "He died a hero's death. He wouldn't have wanted it any other way. He was just doing what he did best. Saving the world. I just wish I could've said goodbye." Lois answered as she ran a hand through her red locks. "I know. That's how I felt when I lost my parents. There was no warning, no time. It just happened. But they knew I loved them. And that's what kept me going. And Clark knew how much you loved him. Don't beat yourself up. Life's too short." Lois looked up and smiled sadly at her. "Thanks. I'll try." Bethany smiled back. "You know he saved my life?" Lois raised an eye row. "Really?" "Yeah. I would've died hadn't he been in the right place at the right time. I definitely have an unpaid debt." Answered Bethany as she sat down beside Lois.
"I'm sorry, about know the whole questioning you about your brother. It's my job. But still I feel like I might have caused some problems." Said Lois after a moment of silence. "No you have nothing to apologize for. I was in the wrong with my brother. I was forgetting how to trust. It's all on me." Said Bethany as she looked down at her hands. Lois smiled and nodded. "Ok. So no hard feelings then?" "Absolutely not. You're a great person Lois. Don't ever doubt that." Said Bethany as they shook hands.
Before Lois could respond a soft knock was heard from the doorway making the two women look up. "We're heading to the church now if you two are ready." Came the voice of Mrs.Kent who stood in the doorway dressed in a simple yet beautiful black skirt and suit combination.
"Yes. We're ready."

[Time Skip to after the funeral ]

Bruce stood there before the grave just staring down at the freshly laid pile of dirt that covered the casket. He had felt horrible watching Lois and Clark's mother as they had played flowers upon the casket and had cried in each others arms as the casket had been lowered. He knew their pain. Maybe that's why he felt so bad. He'd been there before.
He looked out of the corner of his eye to see Bethany standing a few feet to his side just staring at nothing as if in a daze. "This is all too familiar Bruce. How come even this hurts?" Bruce turned to his sister as she spoke. "Because we know this pain, and we feel their pain. Sometimes you cry for people you barely knew and for the ones you knew so well you can't find a single tear to shed." Answered Bruce as he came to stand beside her. She leaned against him for support and continued to stare at nothing.
"Well well well? This must be the famous sister I have heard so much about?" Came a very foreign sounding female voice from behind. Bethany looked back over her brother's shoulder to a stunningly beautiful woman dressed in heels and a black dress and coat standing a few feet behind them.
Bruce turned slightly as the woman came to stand on his left side.
"Diana Prince. Meet Bethany Wayne." Introduced Bruce as he stepped back letting the two women exchange looks and shake hands.
"Wonderful to meet you Miss Wayne. I have heard a bit about you. And I understand you probably have no idea who I am?"
Bethany shrugged. "Sorry I don't." Diana smiled and let out a musical chuckle. "I was there with your brother and Mr.Kent. Let's just say I was giving some aid where it was needed." Bethany nodded and gave a quick look to her brother who rolled his eyes.
"Thanks for that. Will you be working with my brother and I anymore or are you just gonna lay low?" "Are you planning on comprising a team Miss Wayne?" Challenged Diana giving her a raised eyebrow. Bethany smirked. "Something like that." She answered. Diana looked at Bruce and nodded. "I will be in touch. Mr. Wayne, Bethany." And with that Diana turned and headed back towards the parking area. Bethany watched Bruce who was watching Diana walk away. "You so like her bro!" Teased Bethany. Bruce snapped back around and gave her a glare. "No I don't. Sure she's beautiful but no...not at all. And don't even try any of that stupid match making crap either!" He retorted as he followed Bethany out of the grave yard and toward their parked car.
Bethany laughed and hooked her arm through Bruce's. "Ok. But I doubt I'll have to do any pushing to get you two together. You'd be great together! Imagine all the beautiful children you two could have!" Bruce's face turned slightly red and he wouldn't even answer her.
"What Bruce?"
"Just shut up!"
"Yup. Totally likes her!"

I know this was kinda short but this is the end of the first part. Next part is the Suicide Squad and the beginnings of The Justice League. All Updates and new parts will continue in this story. Please start c'mon around for more and thank you all SO much for the support! XOXO ;)

The Other Wayne > Under Major EditingOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora