Chapter Three: The Man Of Steele And Missing Robin

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3 Years After Robins Death....

Bruce POV:

I was driving like a mad man to reach one of my company buildings which was currently being destroyed by a superhuman being. I feared for the safety of the public and the employees that were there,especially one in particular, my 26 year old sister. She had randomly decided she'd help out my staff during the big committee meeting since I had been too occupied to attend. It was all my fault that she was in danger. I should have gone in instead of her. I can't lose another one I love. Not again. Not so soon....

Bethany POV:

I was trying my best to get as many people out as possible as the Wayne Enterprise building was on the verge of complete collapse. I quickly made my way through the crowded emergency exits and stairways and was almost out the front doors when a blast came from behind and threw me out through the glass doors and right into the debris littered street. I was dazed and my body was limp. My head was numb as well as my body. I felt nothing and heard nothing.

I didn't even hear or see Bruce come over to me after about five minutes had passed. I saw his blurry figure just as he was lifting me in his arms to rush me to the nearest ambulance. I lost consciousness and was unresponsive for almost three straight days. When I awoke I found I could hear and feel. My body on the other hand was broken and sore. I had five broken ribs, a broken shoulder and arm, a broken collar bone, a punctured lung and a pretty risky concussion. I was told I was lucky to be alive.

Bruce came to see me everyday. I'd rather wished he wouldn't have come though. He seemed to be depressed and angry whenever he would come. I for one, I didn't need to be around that type of energy so I usually would sleep when he came. But just knowing he was there, with me, made me feel safe and secure. It had always been that way with us.

One particular visit I remember was when Bruce came in with a Metropolis news paper in hand. I was a bit confused by my brothers possession of a news paper from out of our area but took it as a sign that maybe he was becoming interested in that city's news.

"Um what's with the black and white Bruce? Gotham news too boring for you now?" I had asked after a long period of silence which I had become accustomed to with this new version of my billionaire brother. He had looked up at me and handed me the paper with a sluggish manner. I took it and on the front page was a picture of The Man Of Steele himself. Superman was more fitting,at least that was what the public had said. Me, I was indifferent to this guy and couldn't understand my brother's obsession with this dude.

"Oh is he like your man crush or something? Come on Bruce what is going on?!" I had asked as I put the paper on my nightstand.

"That is the man who is responsible for the deaths of my employees and the destruction of my building! He is dangerous and destructive. He has to be dealt with!" Said my brother anger igniting in his dark eyes.

"Bruce he's like a hero in Metropolis. I mean what are you really gonna do about it? Hey, at least he killed that Zod thing or whatever it was called."

"Youre defending him?!"

"No! I'm just saying he isn't an evil monster like you seem to think!"I snapped back at him.

"Beth you haven't even met the guy!"

"Oh and you have?!"

"Look. All I know is that he is dangerous and somebody needs to stop him."Said Bruce standing to leave.

"Oh and what? You're thinking about doing that?! Bruce just let it go!" I groaned as I flopped back into my bed pillows.

Bruce groaned and pulled on his long black trench coat. "Ill see you tomorrow ok?"

"Yeah. Just promise me you'll be in a better mood?" I said as he kissed my forehead and headed for the door.

"Yes I promise."


Eventually I was back home and pretty much all healed. Bruce didnt talk about Superman at all. I hoped that meant the subject was closed.

I remember finding Bruce one night in the living room. He was just sitting there staring out at the moon which rested above the lake. I decided to take a seat beside him on the small couch. He didn't say a thing when I joined him. I knew the reason for this. This day had been the memorial of Robins Death. Bruce blamed himself as usual.

It made me feel useless that when I saw Bruce shut himself out from the world and others. The pain he felt,I also felt. We had both loved Robin like a brother. He had been young and eager and above all brave and ready to start his career as protector of Gotham. But , that fateful night three years ago had had other plans for him.

I shook my head to ward off my thoughts about that night and turned back to my brother. Bruce just sat there staring. He had the same look on his face like all those many years ago when we were young and he would remember our parents deaths. He struggled with darkness so much. But, darkness was only fitting for a Dark Knight.

"Bruce? You wanna talk about it?" I asked laying my hand gently on his shoulder. He turned and shook his head no. I sighed and removed my hand.

"Maybe you should get some sleep? You have work tomorrow."



"Promise me you won't leave me too?"

"Well alright but I don't really . ."

"No Beth! You promise me you won't do anything stupid and that you won't just disappear?" He practically barked, which made me cower back a bit.

"I promise Bruce. It's a pity you never made me that promise." I said as I got up to leave.

"Look! I ..know what I did was unfair. I worried you kills me to know all the pain I put you through all those past years. I promise I will never do it again. Just don't go and ....Look just ...don't be another Robin. Please." He said as had stood behind me.

"I promise." I said fighting back the urge to cry as I turned and saw his tired and sad face.

"I don't know what I have done to deserve a sister like you Beth. But I can't lose you. I don't know what I'd do." Said Bruce looking me square in the eyes.

I stepped forward and hugged him letting my tears fall silently.

"I don't want to lose you either Bruce. You're the only brother and fatherly figure I have. I couldn't bare to lose you again. Not just after Robin. Not ever." I said as I felt his strong arms embrace me back.

"I'll try my best sis." He said quietly.

"I miss them all Bruce. Mom, Dad, Rachel and Robin. I wish they were all here." I cried softly into Bruce's t shirt.

"I know Beth. Me too."

Little did my brother know of the nightmares that plagued me at night.  I would see the Joker plunging the knife into Robin's chest, and then the blood would come and paint him and his armor like watercolors. I remember the life being drained from his eyes and the light that had glowed so bright in them fade to darkness.  That day a piece of my heart died.  And also my hope for a better future grew dimmer.  


What do you guys think? Like it or not? Please let me know what you think in the comments below. I went and saw the movie and LOVED it!!!😍😍😍 Please rate or comment below!😀

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