Chapter Ten: Suspicions and Bad Feelings

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So to start off I'd just like to dedicate this chapter to three amazing Wattpadders who have just been wonderful and so supportive of this book. So here's a shout to TsMarvel13 arianahotel and AnnaGiosso!!! Thank you three so much and I hope you will continue to enjoy this story:) And please if there's anything any of you readers out there want share or comment on please do so in the comments below:) And if you like it feel free to rate it up! :)

Bethany POV:

I wake up alone and feel somewhat better. I look over and see my clock which tells me it's 3pm. I sit up and stretch, letting all the sore and aching muscles stretch and relax. I am starving! I whip off my covers and head for the door.

I quick grab my phone before I leave and head downstairs to make something to eat. I notice how quiet the house is and I instantly don't like it at all. Recently I HATE being alone ANYWHERE! I sigh a sigh of relief when I see Alfred coming from the hallway with a big package in his arms. "Good afternoon Mistress Bethany. Sleep it off well?" "Yes Alfred I did thank you. Where is Bruce?" "In the kitchen." "Thank you." I say making my way toward the kitchen. I slowly make my way into the kitchen as I think of what I want to eat. I look up and see Bruce sitting at the island bar drinking a protein shake and wearing sweat pants and a gross wet t shirt. Eww he's been working out! I mean great for him but gross cause he sweats like crazy!

"Hey sis how you feeling?" Asks Bruce who doesn't look up from his laptop which rests on top of the bar. I lumber over to the cupboard and pull out a box of Honey Bunches of Oats. "Better thanks. I see you've been working out." I say grabbing a bowl and spoon. He nods and stands only to start stretching like a contortionist. I raise my eyebrow and head back to the fridge to grab the milk.

Bruce meanders over to me after stretching and wraps me in a tight, gross, sweaty hug. He knows I hate it! "Gross you hog take a shower!" I whine as I elbow him and try to wriggle free so I can finish making my breakfast. He only laughs and squeezes me all the tighter. "Bruce!" I growl as I attempt to shove his big muscled body away from me. "Alright I'm going! I'm going!" Says Bruce as he releases me and heads out of the kitchen. Great! Now I smell and feel sweaty! "Pig!" I mutter as I pour milk over my cereal and sit down in Bruce's now vacant chair. I look up and see his computer screen is plastered with articles on Superman and Metropolis. I thought he was focusing on Lex?

I take a bite out of my cereal and try to figure out the puzzle my brother has become. "Mistress Bethany I was wondering if you would be interested in going to this event? It looks like something you would be interested in but I thought maybe you could take Master Wayne along with you." Says Alfred who bursts into the kitchen with a pamphlet in hand. I recover from the heart palpitations and take the pamphlet from him slowly. I flip through the first few pages and find the date. "Alfred it's on a Friday. I usually like to go out with Mandy and the girls. And besides art isn't really my thing." I say handing him back the pamphlet. He smirks. "Well I already bought the tickets so it's settled." He says leaving. "What?! Alfred!" I groan as I choke on my cereal. He doesn't answer and I continue to brood and eat my cereal. There's no way Bruce will want to go!

Bruce POV:

"Of course I'm going!" I say to Bethany as I finish putting on my after shave. "What?! Are you serious Bruce?! Since when we're you ever interested in art?!" I turn to see her leaning against the frame of the bathroom door with an unconvinced look on her face. Well I might as well tell her. "Ok you got me. I have reason to believe that the woman who stole my hardrive will be attending this art gala." I say washing off my hands. "And let me guess Alfred tracked her down for you?" Says Bethany in a "I know how this goes" tone. "Sorta. Listen if you don't want to go you don't have to." I say wiping off my hands.

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