Chapter Eight: Rising Tensions

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Bethany POV:

I gulp and quickly snatch Bruce's drink out of his hand. He gives me an annoyed look as I drain the glass of its content. He then turns back to bantering with Clark. My head is spinning I listen to Clark press nd prod Bruce on and on. Bruce answers in his billionaire persona as usual, acting as if Clark is just a petty journalist from a two bit outfit.

A young looking waiter offers me the last glass of wine on a tray.
I accept it and take unladylike gulps from it. Hmm...this tastes funny......I feel faint.....

Bruce POV:

I am turning away from Clark when I notice my sister staggering slightly, wine glass in hand. Huh! And she says I drink too much! Hypocrite.

I shake my head and grab her shoulder gently and try to get her to look at me. A lady in a servers outfit comes up to me and offers to take Bethany to the hall. I unwillingly allow for the curious action to proceed and step out of the way. I turn back to see Clark looking after my sister and the young server in a concerned manner. He better not get too concerned. I am about to leave again when Lex comes up to us. "Boys! Mm. Bruce Wayne meets Clark Kent. Ah! I love it! I love bringing people together! How are we?" Says Lex as he and I shake hands. "Lex." I say as I nod at him. "Hello. Good." He says awkwardly as he turns to shake Clark's hand. "Hi, hello! Lex. It is a pleasure...and...ow! Wow that's a good grip! You should not pick a fight with this person!" Exclaims Lex dramatically as usual, withdrawing his hand from Clark's. "I saw you're sister was looking a little....drowsy may I say. Maybe just a little too much to drink huh? Well I'm gonna go be a good little host and go check on her. Excuse me gentleman." I glare at his back and turn to go after him. I see out of the corner of my eye Clark making a move to follow me but he hesitates. I use it to my advantage and hurry to the hall to see my sister is nowhere to be found!

"What the.." "Hey! Miss where did you put my sister?!" I ask as grab onto the elbow of the serving girl from earlier. She looks at me with annoyance. "Mr. Wayne I forgot to tell you..." "Where are is she?!" I ask sternly. "In his library right across the hall, third door to the left." I let her arm go and hurry to the room. I burst in to see Bethany slumped in a chair with Lex standing over her with a phone in hand. I dont like this but decide to be casual. "Well Lex, we have had a wonderful evening but we'd kinda like to get going if you don't mind." I say as I calmly make my way to Bethany. "Oh well, I hope you have a safe trip home Mr.Wayne. Take care of that sister of yours. She looks worn out." He says not even looking up from his phone. I smirk but internally growl as I help my sister up to her feet. She sways back and forth like a limp corpse at a hanging. "Come on Beth just bear with me ok?" I whisper into her ear as I carefully lead her out of the library. She mumbles some inaudible response as we make our way through the hallway. This isn't gonna look good on the cameras! She's gonna have to deal with it though. It's not that big of a deal.

Just as we step out into the night air I notice the woman I had come across earlier in the basement. She gave me a piercing look before she ducked down and got into her car. I should've gotten to her before she left. I mean she stole my hard drive! Well not mine but Lex's , but hey I had gotten to it first!

I roll my eyes and focus on getting Bethany to the car. This has been a disastrous night.


Bethany POV:

I feel someone carrying me and I gotta admit, I don't mind at all cause I'm not feeling so hot! I open my eyes and look up to see a blurry version of Bruce who is carrying me upstairs. I shake my head to rid myself of the blurry vision but it doesn't play out. "Bruce?.. What.." "You're fine Beth. You'll be ok. Well after a good night's rest anyway." Says Bruce quietly. Do I hear amusement in his tone?! "What...(hiccup) is so funny?" I ask feeling light headed as he reaches the top step. I feel his eyes quickly glancing down at me. "Um who said anything was funny?" He asks as he starts walking again. "You! Well you didn't exactly but you're voice gave it all away!" I say abit annoyed. I hear him chuckle and I look to see my door only a few feet away.

"Put me down! I can do it alone!" I say maybe a bit too loudly for this time of night. I try squirming out of his hold but come on I mean he's the one with the actual strength here. So yeah my attempts are useless. "Be quiet! Alfred is probably to bed!" Hisses Bruce as he opens the door. I groan as shooting pain shoots through my head. I turn in my brothers arms so that my head is against his shoulder. Why does my head hurt so bad?! "Alright Beth come on, let's get you settled ok?" I hear Bruce say as he sets me down on my bed.

I nod and curl up into my pillows as Bruce tucks my legs under the sheets and lastly the comforter. I try to mumble a thanks but can't form the words orally. "Goodnight Beth." Whispers Bruce as he places a gentle kiss on my forehead. Gosh he treats me like a toddler! I don't mind though. After all I am his baby sister. I remain silent and feel myself slowly beginning to drift off into a deep sleep....

Bruce POV:

I take one final look at her before I shut her door. She looks so peaceful. If only she weren't drunk! I smirk and close the door, deciding to go see if Alfred is in the cave. We have work to do.

So what are we thinking? Like it? Have a problem with it?ease let me know below. Sorry for not updating sooner but I have had writers block. Happily it's been cured so this will keep getting uploaded at least every week. Stay awesome and hope you're enjoying this as much as I am writing this!

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