Chapter Nine: Hungover or Poisoned?

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Hey everyone! Just wanted to let out a big thank u for all the support and views! I mean over a thousand reads!! It means the world to me so thank u all and I would appreciate it if you would all continue your support:) Please let me k ow what you like or dislike cause I would love to hear thoughts or opinion! Thanks again everyone and God bless!! Oh and I hope you enjoy this chapter:)

Bethany POV:

I open my eyes and am instantly blinded by the morning sunshine bursting through my bedroom windows. I cover my head with my pillow and groan. I'm sick. I hear a knock at my door. "Ugh! Yeah who is it?!" I growl in a partially muffled voice. "Prince Charming!" I hear from outside the door. "Eww.." I mutter. "Come in Bruce!" I hear the door open and shut. "I know I'm REALLY late for work. Bruce I honestly can't go in now. Can you please call them and explain?" I ask as I feel the bed dip. I hear a chuckle from him. "Oh yes it would be my pleasure to explain to them." I throw my pillow blindly at him, hoping I hit him. "Come on its not like I'm the first person at Gotham General who's gotten a little drunk!" I snap suddenly feeling queasy. "Yes I'm sure you're definitely not the first. Can I get you anything?" Asks Bruce laying a calloused hand on my knee in a comforting manner. I am about to answer when I notice I'm still in my dress from last night. "I must look ridiculous!" I say as I laugh quietly too myself at my state of dress. Bruce laughs with me. "Yeah you do." I swat his arm and we both laugh again. I suddenly feel nauseous and quickly stand and make my way to my private bathroom across the room.

I come out after about five minutes of puking my guts up. Bruce is sitting on the bed with a concerned and grossed out face. I frown and go over to my drawer to get some old clothes. "Could you please get me a couple Asprin and a glass of water Bruce?" I ask as I pull out some yoga pants and an old college t shirt. He nods and gets up to leave. I hear the door close and I start to cry immediately. I am NOT drunk. I have been poisoned and I'm sure of it. I feel like there's something in my body that shouldn't be there. Cause honestly I didn't drink much of anything last night!

I sniffle and wipe my tears away and return to the bathroom to change. As I'm changing I look in my full length mirror and notice the faded, yet still visible, scars on my abdomen that spell out the phrase "Why so serious?". I shutter and feel sick again at the memory of the night I received those scars. Even after all these years, I still can't shake the horror and pain The Joker caused me. I've never fully recovered.

I finish pulling on my t shirt when I feel ready to throw up again. I vomit into the toilet and suddenly feel like crying all over again. After about a minute I feel a hand on my shoulder. I look up and see Bruce's concerned and loving eyes looking down at me. I wretch again and feel Bruce pull my hair back and hold it out of the way. I finish after about a minute and slowly and shakily stand with the help of Bruce. I feel horrible that he has to witness my slovenly state but I realize this is the same man who helped care for me when I was a wee baby right up through most of high school. I wouldn't have it any other way.

Bruce puts his arm around my shoulder and starts to guide me back to bed. I feel so weak and cold. "Did you call the hospital and get my stuff?" I ask as we reach my bed. "Yeah I did. Lay down I'll get them for you." Says Bruce stepping away from me and going over to my nightstand to grab my necessities. I don't argue and collapse back onto my mattress, cuddling up under my covers. Bruce comes over and hands me the pills and then my water. I quickly down the pills and water. I hand him the cup back and hope that the medicine relieves my pounding headache. I look up at Bruce who is sitting on the edge of my bed staring out my big glass windows. "Bruce? Could you please close the shades? The light hurts my eyes." I say quietly after a moment. He nods without looking at me and complies in doing my requested action.

I smile when the room becomes dark again. My eyes feel better already! I see Bruce turn to leave. I suddenly don't want him to leave. At least not now. "Bruce?" "Yeah Beth?" "Will you stay with me until I fall asleep? Please?" I feel childish asking this but I don't want to be alone right now. I'm scared to be honest. I see him smile through the dim light which comes through the missed areas of the curtains coverage.  "Alright move over kiddo." Says Bruce as he climbs onto the right side of my bed. I move over and give him some room before I roll back over and curl into his side. He sighs into my hair and wraps me in his large arms. I feel the comfort and safety I have always felt in these arms, radiate all around us like a shield.  I have always felt safe with Bruce. He has been both a brother and father figure.  I can assure you he  has filled the two positions well.



"I think I was poisoned. What do you think?"

"I think you might have had a few too many."

"Bruce I swear I only had two glasses of wine! Well maybe three but I can handle my liquor better than that! I really think I've been poisoned !" I say seriously.

"What? You think Lex poisoned you? Now why would he do that?"

"What if he had me poisoned with something?!"

" Why would he do that?! He barely knows you! And as far as I'm concerned he won't get to know you. Stay away from him ok?"

I look at Bruce with a sarcastic look. "Yeah like I want to be in his company again any time soon!"

"I'm just saying." Says Bruce tightening his grip slightly.

There's a pleasant silence that follows. There's no awkwardness, just silence.

"Will you please tell me about the whole sneaking around Lex's place episode? Why are you so interested in him?" I say after a few moments have passed.

"I already told you Beth." Says Bruce quietly.

"No you only told me a small percentage. Now come on,spill the juicy details!" I say poking him in the stomach gently. He groans and let's out the famous Bruce Wayne sigh. "I thought you were gonna try to get some sleep?" "Don't avoid the question!" I snap which I immediately regret.

"Fine! I almost stole a hard drive filled with Lex's files. Ok you got that?" He says sounding a bit uncomfortable and annoyed.

"What is so important in his files? Why do you need them?"

"He's up to something is all I know. And that's really ALL I know." He says somewhat sternly.  I let out a hmph and roll my eyes. "Fine. I won't ask anymore. For now." I say smirking up at him from his shoulder.

"Ok. Now it's your turn. What was your dream all about? I mean I know the Joker was in it but what happened?" Asks Bruce softly. I tense up a bit at this. I don't really wanna talk about it. But it's only fair.

"It was sorta like a mixed up memory of two different events. The first was when I was poisoned by Jonathon and the second part of it was the Joker found me. In the dream you came and found me, but it turned out it wasn't really you but The Joker. You never came. I screamed and and cried for you but you never came." I finish and look up at him. He looks like he's in deep thought. "Beth that was only a dream. The Joker isn't coming back and I promised you all those years ago I would ALWAYS come for you. That's one promise I'm not willing to ever break." He says quietly but seriously as he looks down at me. I smile. "I know Bruce. It was just a silly dream. But, sometimes Bruce I just can't shake all the horrible memories of The Joker. It's like he's never left me." I say my voice breaking slightly. "Just try not to think about him kiddo. He can't hurt you anymore." Soothes Bruce.

I just nod and let him believe that. My eyes are now heavy and slowly I feel myself giving into sleep. "Thanks Bruce." I whisper. "Anytime Bethany." He says back as places a soft kiss on my forehead as I lay my head back on his shoulder. Sleep slowly comes in a few minutes. For now I am at peace.

Bruce POV:

I listen to her breathing slow and look down to see she has fallen asleep on my shoulder. She's been poisoned. I've seen the effects before. Although it doesn't appear to be too serious, I'll  take some blood and have Alfred run a test. I don't know what Lex is up to but I'll make sure I find out what my sister has to do with it. I carefully untangle myself from her and move off the bed slowly. I place her head carefully on her pillow and pull the covers up to her chin. For now she is at peace and safe. Something tells me though, that it's all going to change very soon. I will do what I can to keep her safe. But I don't know if I'll be able to stop Lex or this Superman. I think this may be my last run.

So I know this was long but my creativity has been FLOWING!! Hope you enjoyed and please let me know what you think in the comments below and rate it up if you'd like:) Peace out!!!

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