Chapter Four: A Changing World

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It is now 2 years after the episode between Superman and Zod. Bethany is now a doctor at Gotham General and is 26 years old. Bruce is 39(maybe I got his age wrong!) and has been active as Batman for a year and a half now. He has caused raised eyebrows with his new gruesome forms of criminal justice. The public and authorities of Gotham are growing more and more disturbed by the Bats methods and start to consider him a little too extreme and maybe even dangerous.....

All the writing now will be in the present tense.

Bethany POV:

I am currently vegatating on my phone looking at pictures of houses for sale when I hear one of my nurses screams coming from the break room. Rolling my brown eyes I rise and hurry to see what all the commotion is.

"Meg what the heck are you...."

"Look Doctor Wayne! Look at what The Batman has done!" Says a terrified looking Megan Weeks as she points wide eyed to the flat screen tv on the wall. I look up to see a news bulletin flashing a video of a dirty looking man ,who looks practically dead, with a Batman symbol branded into his chest. I gasp in horror and and cover my mouth. Why would Bruce do such a thing?! Surely this guy didn't deserve such treatment!

"Alright Meg ....let's get back to work shall we?" I say as I motion for her to leave. She nods as if in a trance by the tv and slowly leaves the room resembling a zombie.
I will be having a talk with Bruce when I get home. He has got some serious explaining to do!


Bethany POV:

I am sitting patiently in the Batcave awaiting my brother's return. I have a bad feeling he'll be mad at me for saying something to him about this, but I feel as though I must. I mean things are getting out of control! Like seriously. He was taking things a little too far. Or maybe I'm being too soft lately. I don't know what to think anymore honestly.

"Mistress Bethany? What on earth are you doing down here at this hour?"

"Oh I'm just waiting for Bruce Alfred. May I ask what you are doing down here?" I say as I watch him carry a tray carrying two coffee mugs on it.

"Same as you I guess. When ever your brother comes back after a night of his I always shut down the computers and such. Is something wrong Mistress Bethany?" Says Alfred as he sets down the tray and looks to me with concern.

"Alfred. Has Bruce seemed different lately?"

"As in what ways Miss Bethany?"

"As in he seems so...I don't know distant and moody. Did you see the news tonight?"

"I'm afraid I did. I believe it may have something to do with the rising tension between him and this Metropolis vigilante. The one they call Superman I think."

"So you think its frustration and jealousy on Bruce's part?" I ask as I spin the computer chair I'm occupying.

"I don't really know what to say to that Miss Bethany."

"Well...I don't no either Alfred. Why don't you let me shut everything down tonight? You look tired and I'd like to speak privately with Bruce. Please take no offense...."

"Oh my Mistress Bethany, I understand completely. May I remind you that it takes quite a statement to offend me." Says Alfred smiling at me with amusement in his eyes.

"Thanks Alfred. And goodnight and love you." I say as I rise from my seat to embrace my most trusted confidant.

"And same to you Mistress Bethany." Says Alfred as he returns my embrace and turns to head to the door.

I sit back down and close my eyes suddenly feeling a bit tried from the days excursions.

An hour goes by and I'm almost about to dose off when I hear what sounds like footsteps coming from the far end of the room which leads to the garage. Bruce. I stand and stretch, looking around to see everything still in order.

"Its 3:00am Bethany. You should be getting your much needed beauty sleep." A voice grumbles behind me.

I jump slightly and see it's only Bruce who's still decked out as Batman, save for the missing mask and cowl.

"I don't have work tomorrow. Well now it would be today so I have plenty of time to waste on beauty sleep. I have to talk to you." I say as he stalks past me over to his armour/suit compartment.

"Cant it wait till morning?And as in morning I mean sun up and birds chirping. I'm really beat." He says as he begins shedding his second skin.

"I would really like to discuss this right here right now Bruce. It's very important to me."

"Sure Beth. What's bothering you?" Says Bruce as he hangs up his armour and pulls on a t-shirt. Wow he's fast!

"How does it feels to be in the cattle branding business? You didn't tell me you were picking up side jobs. I'm just curious. And it wasn't a cow that you branded Bruce, this was a person. Care to explain?" I say sarcastically as I cross my arms and cock my head to the side.

His face turns from concern to confusion to annoyance in a matter of seconds.

"That man was a rapist and human trafficking agent for that Hallaway guy the police are after. I saw what he did Beth. You didnt. He had probably like twenty young women and girls locked in a confined, barred room under the sewers. You know what could have happened to them if I hadn't been there?!" He snaps taking a couple steps toward me. I stand firm.

"Yes I'm well aware! But was it necessary to brand him?! The authorities showed clips all over the news tonight of what you did. And those women and girls you saved were just as terrified of you as they were of Mr.Rape! Bruce! You're image is not looking too hot anymore! You're ruining Batman's reputation! And you're starting to scare me!" I say sternly and maybe a little to loudly since we're standing only a few feet away from each other.

"Look Batman has nothing to do with you! I know what I'm doing Beth! The last thing I need is you telling me how to fight crime. You haven't seen the things I have or done the things I have. The world is changing." Says Bruce just as loudly as I had.

"Thats not the only thing that's changing! And Batman has everything to do with me because he's you! You and Batman are important to me! No matter what you do or say you're Bruce Wayne and Batman! Lately I haven't seen either of them! There's a stranger who stalks Gotham now. And a stranger who claims to be my own brother!" I say coolly. As I turn on me heel and stalk to the door.

"Bethany wait!"

I ignore him and make sure to slam the door behind me. I run to my room and flop onto my bed feeling suddenly very tired. I close my eyes and slowly I drift off to sleep....

So what do u think? Please let me know in the comments!

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