Chapter Sixteen: Little Talks

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General POV:

Bethany was checking her twitter when she looked up at the wall across her bedroom.

There on the wall was a picture of her and Bruce when she had graduated from high school. She noticed how much they looked so happy and carefree.

How that had changed so much. It seemed ever since Robin's death all they did was argue and be sarcastic with one another. Deep down inside this was killing her. She wished they would find peace with one another. She just wanted things to be the way they had been before everything had changed.

After a few minutes more of staring at the picture she decided to go make herself some tea.

Throwing off the warm covers ,she had been nestled under, she navigated her way through the penthouse.

Memories of making tea with Alfred stirred her thoughts as she entered the large kitchen area.

She stood on the tips of her toes as she opened the cupboard to get the tea packets and a mug. A  very particular memory of Alfred teaching her how to make tea flashed through her mind as she grabbed the tea and a mug.

She smiled slightly in rememberence as she sauntered to the stove and put the water on the boil.

"Alfred? What are you making?" Asks an seven year old Bethany who comes skipping into the kitchen, to see her loyal butler and care giver carrying a small box.

"Just making some tea. Would you like some Miss Bethany?" Asks Alfred as he places the small white box on the table. "Yes please! But can I help you make it?" She asks giving him her "win over" smile.

Alfred chuckles and nods. "Yes you may.  So to start out I need you to use those two little paws of yours to open that blasted box of tea bags." Says Alfred as he goes to grab a kettle. "Ok! I'm on it." She answers enthusiastically as she delves into her job.

"Alfred? Were my parents nice?" She asks suddenly out f the blue.

"Yes they were fine people. Generous and kind." Answers Alfred as he fills the kettle with water.

"Did they love me?"

She hears the water cease it's running.

"Why yes of course they did. Why would you ask?"

"I was just wondering. I mean I never met them so I don't know what they liked, loved or hated." Says Bethany as she pulls out two packets of camomile tea.

"Miss Bethany, your parents worshiped the ground you and your brother walked on." Bethany  looks up at Alfred and nods slightly, as if to signify she believes him. "Where did Bruce go Alfred? I haven't seen him." Asks Bethany as she hands Alfred the now open packs of tea and follows him to the stove. "I believe Master Wayne has been in the library all day. I believe he's reading your father's journals." Answered Alfred. "Oh well when I'm done I think I'll go see him. So now what Alfred?" "Now Miss Bethany we grab ourselves a tea kettle and put it on the boil. Here let me grab you a chair and you grab the kettle there on the counter." Bethany obeys and patiently waits for Alfred to bring her chair. "Now hop up and put the kettle on the burner. And put the heat on high so it can come to a boil." Says Alfred as Bethany climbs onto the chair to accomadate her height. "Ok. So now that that's done what's next?" "Now Miss Bethany we wait. You should probably go see Bruce. I do believe he has errands to run later on."

"Ok! Thanks Alfred!" Says Bethany hopping off the chair and giving the butler a hug. Alfred smiles and hugs back. "My pleasure. Now run along!"

(Time Skip to Library)

"Bruce? Are you in here?" Calls out Bethany as she shuts the large library door behind her. She doesn't receive an answer but let's her curiosity push her further into the room. Then she sees him. He's sitting in a big chair by the fire place reading their father's journal.
"Bruce?" He looks up to see Bethany standing beside his chair with a sad look on her face.
"Oh hey there Beth. Sorry I didn't hear you come in." Says Bruce giving her a smile as he closeds the journal. "It's ok. I just wanted to come and see what you were doing is all." She answers quietly as she stares into the small crackling fire in the hearth.
Bruce knows she can tell something is bugging him.
"Hey come here. I hardly see you anymore." Says Bruce, gently pulling her around to the the front of the large chair and letting her sit on his lap. "I miss you Bruce." Says Bethany quietly as she cuddles up against her older brother.  Bruce kisses her forehead and wraps and arm around her small frame, pulling her closer.
"I have been here the whole time sweet heart." "No Bruce you haven't. I mean you're here but you're not "here" here. You just hideaway and are always sad. I want you to come home." Answers Bethany seriously still staring into the flames.
Bruce is taken aback by all she says. "What do you mean you want me to come home?" He asks confused. "This isn't really you Bruce. I know you're leaving again. My Bruce would never leave me. So if you leave bring him back with you." She says with her voice slightly shaky.
His heart skips a beat and his heart breaks at her words. She knew what he was planning to do. "I'll bring him home Beth. I'm so sorry." He whispered as a tear slides down his cheek. "I'm not mad Bruce. I just want my brother back. I could never be mad at you."
Bruce chuckles and lays his cheek on her dark head. "I'll never understand you. But understand me when I say I will always be with you and that I love more than anything in this world." Says Bruce in a serious tone. "I understand. I love you too Bruce."
So, they sit there in silence enjoying the silence and comfort. It would be a long time before it would be shared between them again.

(Back to the present)

Bethany felt hot tears as the memory ended. The tea kettle's scream brings her fully from the fog and back to the present. Wiping her tears she grabbed the kettle and poured the piping water into the mug with a tea bag already in place.
Now here she was. Alone and left with guilt of leaving her brother when he probably needed her most. Problem is part of her said he wasn't being honest or acting himself. But the child in her said she was running away from the man she'd always said she'd understand and trust.
Deep down she knew the child in her was right.

This was CRAZY late but here it is! Hope you enjoyed and please let me know what ya think by rating or commenting cause ya k ow how I LOVE comments. Thanks and God bless.

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