Chapter Eighteen: Did You Miss Me?

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Bethany POV:

      We are sitting down and ordering when I notice Bruce is on his phone. "We'll just have two scotch and waters please." I say to the waitress who has been patiently waiting for my aloof brother. "Alright. I'll be right back with those." Says the waitress smiling and heading of with our order of drinks. I watch her go and then nudge Bruce's foot under the table. "Hmm?" "You can't even put your phone away when you're having dinner?! That's extremely rude and you know it Bruce!" I whisper/hiss across the table as he slides it back into his pocket.
"Sorry. It was just some information on woman I saw the other night." My ears prick up and I give him a sly smirk. "Awe someone's got a crush." I say as I look over my menu at him. He gives me a look and shakes his head. "Not like that sis. She's just someone who took something that wasn't hers." "Always knew you liked bad girls Bruce." I continue to tease just as the waitress comes back with our drinks. "Here you go. Two scotch and water. Now are you all set to order or do you need a little more time?" She says placing the drinks in front of us. "Yeah I'm all set. I'll have the Chicken Courde En Bleu with a garden salad." I say setting my menu back down. "I'll have the Grilled Steak, medium rare, with a side of seasoned potatoes." Says Bruce while smiling flirtatiously at the waitress as she jots down our order. She politely smiles back. "Alright well I'll get these menus out of your at and your orders should be out shortly." We both give her a smile as she walks away. "Man you sure do love to flirt don't you?" I laugh once she's out of earshot. He shrugs, feigning arrogance. "Hey I gotta keep my playboy image. Can't have people thinking I've lost my touch with the ladies now can I?" He says winking at me with a smirk. I roll my eyes and smirk.
"Well ok but while you're acting all billionaire playboy, I'm gonna use the ladies room." I say standing to leave. "Woah TMI little sis."
"How is that...oh never mind." I mutter as I get up and head to the ladies room, with Bruce's chuckling I'm the background.
I reach the facilities and head to the mirror to fix an out of place piece of hair.
I hear the bathroom door open and I feel some one standing behind me. I look up in the mirror and my heart stops beating all together. "Why Miss Wayne?! May I tell you how wonderful it is to see you looking so healthy! Not to mention ravishing." Says Lex as I whip around to face him. "Get out! This is the ladies room you pervert!" I spit backing up against the sink to put some space between us. "What? You're not happy to see me? After all we've been though together and this is her w you treat me?" Says Lex with sarcasm as he smirks creepy like at me making me shiver.
"I'm gonna count to three and you better be out of here." I say sternly. "Oh but the problem is you're too far away to call for help and big brother has no idea I'm even here. So let's get this over with shall we?" My heart rate picks up when I hear the bathroom door swing open and in walks none other than the waitress who was waiting in Bruce and I earlier! "Ah just in time! Melanie? Take care of her will you?" I turn just in time to see the woman aiming a gun type thing a me and then I feel like I've been shot in the neck with a dart. Yup a dart with a sedative. I feel myself feeling faint....."Did you miss me?" Says Lex as I drift in and out of consciousness. I feel all the feelings of fear I had years ago come back to me after he says those words. I try crying out but it's no use.........

I know this was really short but I wanted it to be on the edge of your seat! Hope you enjoyed!

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