Baby Perry (Pierce The Veil fan fiction)(Sequel to I Needed You!) *COMPLETED*

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A/N: Hi guys! Hope you like this book! I'm going to try my hardest on this one!

Enjoy :3

*Faith's point of view*

I sit on the couch in my new home. Well, it's kinda new. I've lived in it for about five months now. Tony and I decided we needed more space and moved out of the house that we shared with the other guys. It came as a shocker to all. Tony was stoked, mom was happy, dad was a bit angry, Vic and Mike were surprised a bit pissed, Austin was sad but happy. And, well, I don't want to go there with Mitch.

I sigh, blinking away the tears. It's been eight months since his passing and I'm still taking it hard. Tony insisted on me staying home while he goes to the hospital and gets little miss Abigail Eve Adele Perry.

I hear a car door shut from outside and I squeal, watching the front door. It opens and in walks Tony with a car seat in hand. He sets it down and I look in it to find no baby.

"Tony? Where's my child at?" I ask looking up at him.

"She's so adorable!" I hear Vic's familiar voice say as he walks in holding my daughter. Mike and Jaime follow him, Mike carrying the diaper bag.

"Vic! Give me my child." I say standing up and walking in front of him. He looks down at me and frowns.

"But I wanna hold my niece." he says and I groan.

"I haven't gotten to hold her at all. Well, except for when she was born, but besides that. Give her!" I exclaim and he sighs handing her over. I take her, laying her in my arms and resting her head on my elbow. I stare down at her tiny features, her eyes wide open and looking around.

"So, you never answered this, are you breast feeding or bottle feeding?" Vic asks sitting on the couch. I look at him with a raised eyebrow.

"Just want to be prepared." he says raising his hands in defense.

"Bottle feeding." I answer, looking back down at her brown eyes. She looks directly in my eyes, grabbing onto my finger and squeezing it. I smile, kissing her forehead and rocking her back and forth.

"Mom and dad should be here in a few minutes." Mike says looking up from his phone.

"Remember when dad tried killing Tony when they found out you were pregnant?" Vic asks looking up at me.

"Yes I do. If I'm correct, he yelled something along the lines of 'IF YOU LEAVE MY DAUGHTER I'M GOING TO KICK YOUR ASS'." I say laughing lightly.

"I was honestly scared for my life." Tony says shaking his head.

"He wouldn't have killed you because then you wouldn't have been here to help Faith out with Abigail." Mike says and I nod. There's a knock on the door and I look around at the guys sitting in my living room.

"I guess I'll get it you lazy fucks.." I mumble walking towards the door. I open, seeing all of, Of Mice and Men standing there.

"Faith!" they all cheer and I chuckle stepping aside.

"Come in." I say and they all walk in, going straight for the living room. Just as I'm shutting the door, I see my parents familiar car pulling up. My mom jumps out of the car and run towards me as my dad takes his time.

"She's so adorable!" mom coos, looking at Abigail.

"Come on dad." I call out and we all walk inside. We walk to the living room.

"Who's holding her first?" Alan asks and I look at him weird.

"I'm not passing my child around to grown men. You will hold her some time in the future." I say and he frowns.

Baby Perry (Pierce The Veil fan fiction)(Sequel to I Needed You!) *COMPLETED*Where stories live. Discover now