Chapter Seventeen

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*Faith's point of view* (A/N: I've missed putting that...)

*December 25th or also known as Christmas*

I wake up to a little rascal jumping on my bed and the sound of Tony groaning. I open my eyes, a giggling Abigail and grumpy Tony coming into view.

"Oopsie." Abigail whispers, giggling to herself. I smile laying over on my side, facing Abigail and Tony. He and I are working on things. We're getting back on track and I've forgiven him. I know I forgave him to soon but I love him and I believe he could be an amazing dad and husband.

"Oopsie is correct." Tony grumbles and I chuckle.

"Calm down. It's Christmas." I say and he sighs.

"I wanna sleep though." he groans and I kiss his cheek.

"Then lay down and I'll go fix breakfast. You can sleep and I'll come get you when it's done." I whisper as Abigail runs downstairs.

"Thank you baby." he says, pecking my lips and laying back down. I stand up, pulling on a pair of shorts and walking downstairs. I see Abigail sitting by the tree, counting her presents. On the very top is a small box with my name on it and my eyebrows furrow. I walk closer, seeing that it says "From: Santa." I smile, shaking my head and walking away. I walk into the kitchen, looking around.

"Abigail! How does cheesey scrambled eggs, chocolate chip pancakes, and bacon sound?" I call out and she comes running in.

"It sounds yummy!" she squeals and I bid, grabbing all of the ingredients.

Once the food is done, I make all of our plates, setting up the dining room table. I walk back up to our room, Tony is still asleep, loud snores leaving his lips. I giggle, grabbing my phone and pulling up the camera. I go to video and start a video. Small giggles leave my lips as his snores continue, but they suddenly stop and I look at him. He rolls onto his back and the snores start again. I stop the video and upload it to Twitter, with the caption "Snoring loud enough? Haha. Gotta love him anyways. But he stopped and it scared me!"

I walk to his side if the bed, and carefully place myself on top of him, my knees on either side of him.

"Tony." I whisper, poking his cheek. I smile at the small stubble he has growing on his chin and upper lip.

"Tony." I say loud and he tries rolling over but I stop him. I prop my elbows up on his chest and look up at him.

"Tony!" I scream and he jumps, eyes flying open.

"Fucking hell Faith..." he grumbles and I giggle.

"Wake up. Breakfast is done and probably getting cold." I say getting up but I'm pulled back down.

"Lets stay in bed." he says and I shake my head "no".

"Nope. We have a daughter to take over to my brothers for Christmas and she has presents to open." I say, pulling away from his grip and sauntering downstairs. He grumpily follows me, a frown etched on his lips but when a jumpy Abigail comes into view, his frown goes to a smile.

"Can we eat?!" Abigail asks and I nod. She gets in her seat and grabs her fork, taking a bite of her pancakes. Tony and I sit down, eating along with her.

"I can't wait to see Tyler!" Abigail says as we eat. Tony looks at her like she's crazy.

"Who's Tyler." he asks and Abigail beams up at him.

"He's my boyfriend!" she exclaims and I chuckle quietly as Tony's facial features harden slightly.

"No he's not." Tony says and I throw eggs as him.

Baby Perry (Pierce The Veil fan fiction)(Sequel to I Needed You!) *COMPLETED*Where stories live. Discover now