Chapter Nineteen

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A/N: If you want to see anything, like the cake, dresses, or anything, go to my profile and message my kik, Twitter, or Instagram.

*Faith's point of view*

*Two years later*

I walk down the aisle slowly, my father by my side and a smiling Tony waiting for me at the end. Standing beside him is his best man, Vic, then Mike, then Jaime. My maid of honour is Tony's sister Rachel, along with my bridesmaids Tony's sister Rebecca, Oliver's girlfriend Hannah, and Maggie.

Once I reach the alter, dad kisses my forehead, and hands me off to Tony.

"Take good care of her Perry." dad says and Tony smiles.

"Yes sir." Tony says and dad walks to his seat. I look to Tony and smile, taking hold of his hands.

"I love you." he whispers.

"I love you." I whisper back and he leans forward kissing my nose. I giggle quietly, the priest talking in the background. I'm pulled back into reality when I hear the priest talking to me.

"Do you, Faith Marie Fuentes, take, Tony Perry, to be your lawfully wedded husband? Through sickness and through health." he asks.

"I do." I say and slide the ring on Tony's ring finger.

"Do you, Tony Perry, take, Faith Marie Fuentes, to be your lawfully wedded wife? Through sickness and through health." he asks Tony.

"I do." Tony says and slides the ring on my ring finger.

"I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss the bride." The priest says as he shuts the bible he was holding. Tony leans down, our lips colliding softly. Cheers, claps, and screams erupt around us and we pull back smiling wide. He swiftly picks me up, carrying me down the aisle way. Abigail follows, cheering along with everybody. He carries me to the dining hall, our cake set up on a table in the front of the room. I'm set down, catching my balance and looking towards our cake. My smile brightens as everybody takes a seat, chatting around. I see Austin staring at me, a small smile playing on his lips as our gazes meet. I walk over to him, sitting beside him and looking around at Tino, Alan, Phil, and Aaron. "Congratulations Mrs. Perry." Austin says and I giggle.

"Its gonna take me awhile to get used to that." I say and hear Thomas' familiar voice behind me.

"Faith!" he exclaims and I turn around in my seat, engulfing him in a hug.

"How's my favourite boy?" I ask, watching as the 7 year olds face light up.

"I'm amazing!" he says, smiling.

"How about you go play with Abigail?" I ask and he nods, running away.

"So, how are the cravings?" Austin asks, taking a sip of his wine.

"They're about the same. I was starting to crave cake while I was standing up there." I say chuckling.

"When are you due?" Alan asks.

"Well, it's December 29th so, sometime in June." I say and he nods.

"When is Alexa due?" I ask Alan and his face visually lightens up.

"Around July or August." he says and I nod.

"Well, I gotta get back to my husband. Hope you guys have a nice time." I say, standing up slowly. I look around to see Tony talking with Vic, Mike, Jaime, Alex, Jack, and Rian.

"How are you guys?" I ask, putting an arm around Jack. He puts his arm around my shoulders, pulling me close.

"We're good. Ready for some cake though." Alex says.

"You're not alone." I say and everybody laughs.

"Well, if the pregnant lady wants cake, we shall cut cake." Tony says and I part with Jack, walking with Tony to where the cake is.

"Which tier are we cutting?" I ask, grabbing the knife.

"Lets start with the top one, then we'll go down the line." he says and I nod. The cake is white with red modelling chocolate roses.

I cut two pieces, handing one to Tony and taking one for myself. I pick it up off the plate and turn to Tony. He chuckles, picking his up and we lock arms. As we're both taking a bite, we shove the cake in each other's face, icing smearing across my cheek.

"Its so sticky!" I squeal, reaching for my cheek.

"That's what she said!" Alex and Jack yell, everybody bursting into laughter. I take a napkin, wiping away the cake and icing, before cutting about forty different pieces of cake. Once all cake is handed out, I take a seat and taking a deep breath.

"You okay baby?" Tony asks, coming up in front of me. He still has cake on his face.

"Yeah. Just tired." I say and he nods, taking a seat next to me. I close my eyes and not even two seconds later, feel more cake being shoved on my mouth. My eyes shoot open, a gasp leaving my lips. I see a smirking Tony with a small piece of cake in his hand, in front of me.

"Asshole." I mutter reaching for a napkin but he smacks my hand away.

"Leave it. Don't leave me alone." he says and I chuckle.

"Fine." I say and he cheers. I stand up, grabbing hold if his hand and intertwining our fingers.

"Kiss me." he says, looking down at me. I lean up on my tippy toes, letting our lips collide. The sweet taste of cake and icing fills my mouth, along with the taste of Tony. I smile, his hands coming up to my neck holding me still. His tongue explores my mouth, my hands resting on his. We pull back, gasping for air and smiling at each other like crazy people.

"I love you Mrs. Perry." he says.

"I love you Mr. Perry." I say and peck his lips.

A/N: Weddings! Ah! Lololol. Well, hope you liked it. Next chapter will be up as soon as I can get it done!


Baby Perry (Pierce The Veil fan fiction)(Sequel to I Needed You!) *COMPLETED*Where stories live. Discover now