Chapter Ten

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*Faith's point of view*

I lay in bed, staring at the ceiling as Abigail sleeps in her room. Clothes litter my floor and cuts litter my arms. Pierce The Veil have been gone on tour for four months now, coming back tomorrow, and I've been left alone to swim in my own thoughts. I get worse and worse each day. My mind fills more and more with these thoughts of suicide.

'Kill yourself you pathetic bitch'

'Nobody loves you'

'You're worthless, stupid, and no good'

'You don't deserve to breathe air anymore' my thoughts tell me.

I sigh, looking at the clock and seeing its around noon. It's summer and Abigail is happy to be out of school but she misses her friends. She's such a happy little girl. Just like I was once upon a time.

I get up, walking to my closet and pulling out a hoodie. I slide it on, it falling to my knees. I trudge back over to my bed and grab my phone, dialling Austin's number.

"Hello?" he answers after four rings.

"Do you think you and Rachel could take Abigail for a few hours? I want to straighten up the house and just be alone for a few hours." I ask.

"Yeah of course. We'll be over in ten." he says and I hang up. I walk into her room, setting out an outfit. I wake her up, letting her get dressed in her Suicide Silence shirt and shorts. She pulls on her TOMS and we head downstairs.

"Mommy? Why am I going with Aus and Rachel?" she asks. I chuckle at her name for Austin.

"Because, mommy wants to clean up the house. I know you'd get bored so you can go hang out with them for a little while." I say and put her bowl of cereal in front of her.

"Mommy?" she asks quietly.

"Yes baby?" I ask sitting in front of her.

"Why are there marks on your arms?" she whispers and I freeze.

"Well, they'll go away. Don't worry about it darling. Okay?" I tell her and she nods.

"I love you mommy." she says.

"I love you too baby." I say and she finishes eating. I brush out her hair and pull it into a ponytail just as Austin and Rachel get here.

"Aus!" Abigail squeals, running over to him. He bends down, picking her up and planting kisses all over her face.

"How is my favourite princess?" he asks and she smiles.

"I'm doing great! How's my king doing?" she asks him and he chuckles.

"I am doing wonderful my lovely lady." he says and I look to Rachel. She's already staring at me, deep in thought.

"That hoodie swallows you whole Faith. How much weight have you lost?" Rachel asks walking over.

"None." I mumble and she shakes her head.

"Raise up the hoodie. Let's see that stomach." she says and raises it up, revealing my tummy. She gasps and I look down, my ribs prominent as ever, my hip bones jutting out. Austin looks over, frowning at my body. He sets Abigail down, walking over and looking down at me.

"You need to eat Faith." he whispers and I shake my head.

"I eat enough. I'm fine." I say and his frown deepens.

"No you're not. You're basically just bones." he says and I take a step back.

"Have fun you guys. I'll see you later baby." I say waving to Abigail. She smiles and waves back before taking Rachel's hand and pulling her along outside.

"I'll be back Faith and we'll talk about this." Austin says, dipping his head down and kissing the corner of my mouth. He turns and walks away, shutting the door behind him. I drop the hoodie, walking back upstairs. I wait until I know they're gone before I grab a piece of paper and start writing.

"Dear Anybody who reads this,

I'm gone because the world has crashed down on me. The one I loved, left me. I now only have Abigail and I still wonder if she loves me. She'll be better without me, her depressed, self harming mother. I never thought I'd go back to this once I had her. I always thought I'd live the happily ever after. I guess not. I've gone back to my old ways of befriending the razor. Anyone everyday is filled with suicide. Only, suicide. I want Abigail to live a free, happy life. I can't give that to her, so all of my friends and family, please watch after her. I'm leaving this world by my friend, the razor, and my other friend, the pills. Possibly run a bath and drown while I'm at it. I love you all, but you seem to not love me.

I'm off to see Mitch. I've waited long enough for this. Don't sorrow, be happy. Oh the memories, I wish we could make more.

Love, Faith."

I put the note on the bathroom counter, before I grab the razor and running it over my veins. I scream in pain, watching blood ooze from them. I grab the bottle of pills and pouring half of the bottle into my hand. I pour them in my mouth, grabbing the glass of water I have and swallowing them. I step into the warm water I had prepared, laying down and waiting.

The pills and loss of blood go into effect as my vision goes blurry. I take my last breath, before I slide under the water and close my eyes for the very last time.

*Austin's point of view*

I get back in my car, hands shaking as I put the key in the ignition. I've called Faith ten times and she hasn't answered. We've had Abigail for two hours and I'm honestly scared.

I finally make it to her house, walking in quietly.

"Faith?" I call out and make my way upstairs. I push her bedroom door open, looking around as my eyes land on her bathroom door. I walk over, opening it and stumbling back at the sight.

Faith, still dressed, laying in the tub surrounded by red water. I can barely see her face as I walk closer. I frantically warp my arms around her frail body, pulling her out of the water. I look down to wrists to see small drops of blood leaving them. I feel tears streaming down my face as I hold her close, rocking back and forth.

"Please...please...I need you here..." I whisper. I grab my phone, dialing 911 and waiting for the ambulance to get here. The paramedics run in, pulling her from my grip and laying her on a stretcher. They quickly start doing CPR, shoving their hands down onto her chest. After ten minutes of trying and trying, one of the paramedics turn to me.

"I'm sorry for your loss.." she whispers and I lose it. I fall to the floor, head in my hands as I sob. She can't be gone. Why would she do this? I thought she was happy.

I shakily grab my phone and dial Vic's number and press call.

"Yo Austin. What's up?" he asks after he picks up.

"S-She's gone....." I croak.

A/N: Another update! Yay! Like it? Comment and vote! Remember, I'm skipping a couple years in the next chapter.


Baby Perry (Pierce The Veil fan fiction)(Sequel to I Needed You!) *COMPLETED*Where stories live. Discover now