Chapter Fourteen

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A/N: Okay, this chapter, I am being very indecisive about.. I don't know if I want to keep it or not so I will let you know if I do keep it. Hope you like it!

*Abigail's point of view*

I sit in my desk in Algebra 1, listening to Mr. Thompson talk about literal equations. I look up from my paper and see Thomas staring at me, a row away. I smile and he smiles back, his dimples coming in view. The classroom door opens and our principal, Mrs. Becky, walks in.

"I'm so sorry to interrupt Mr. Thompson but we need Abigail Perry outside ready to go." she says and Mr. Thompson nods.

"Abigail. Remember, pages 132-145 are due Friday." Mr. Thompson reminds me and I nod. I grab all my books and bag, walking out of the classroom. I see Vic and Mike standing there, Vic is pacing while Mike has a hand in his hair.

"What's going on guys?" I question walking over to them. By now, Mrs. Becky has gone back to her office.

"Abigail, you might not want to do this here." Mike says and I shake my head.

"What is it?" I ask and Vic sighs.

"Abby, Tony's gone.." Vic whispers and I feel my heart drop to the ground.

"T-This is a joke right..?" I stutter.

"I wish.." Mike says and I see Jaime walking down the hallway, tears streaming down his face and what appears to be my father's phone in hand.

"Please tell me it's a joke. Please." I say and Jaime shakes his head.

"They're t-towing his car away now.." Jaime sobs and I look to Mike and Vic.

"H-How..?" I whisper, tears spilling over.

"He was hit by a texting truck driver. His car was hit and pushed about 400 feet before the 18 wheeler stopped." Mike says and I choke on a sob. My books fall to the floor as well as my bag, as my body goes limp and I nearly fall. Mike catches me, picking me up so my legs are around his waist and his arms are around my torso. He carries me outside, and to his car, sitting in the back seat with me on his lap. A sob leaves my lips every second, tears rushing faster. A pounding headache occurs and I bury my face deeper into Mike's chest, my fists clutching handfuls of his shirt. The driver door opens and so does the back door across from us. I slowly look up, seeing Jaime sitting beside me and Vic in the driver seat. I look up to Mike and he has tears covering his cheeks, the rims of his eyes are red and puffy. He brushes hair from my face, slowly and lightly kissing my forehead.

"It's okay baby girl. I'm here." he whispers, pulling me closer as I sob more.

My father, my very loving and caring father, gone? Dead? Not coming back? This can't be. He's gotta be at home, watching his favourite show, Star Wars, as he cuddles with his favourite Turtle Pillow that I won him when I was 8. He just can't be gone. This can't be right. He's at home right? He's waiting for me to come home and we'll hug right? He can't be gone.

The car stops and Mike opens the door, slowly getting out with me still latched onto him. He shuts the car door and immediately makes his way inside, carrying me into the living room. Just as he's about to sit me on the couch, I tighten my grip on him, not letting go.

"Take me to his room please." I whisper and he nods. He carries me upstairs and into my father's room, laying me on his bed and slipping my shoes off for me. I pull the covers up to my chin and curl up in a ball, taking in the scent of my father's sheets. It smells just like him.

"Call for us if you need us." Mike whispers, kissing my head before leaving and shutting the door behind him. I grab the turtle pillow and bury my face into it, sobbing even harder as it all sets in.

*Tony's point of view*

*Before the crash*

I make my way down the road, going about 45 and jamming out to some Slipknot. I suddenly feel a hard blow to my side and tires screeching. My body is slung sideways and out of the front windshield. I land on the ground, sudden pain rushing to my face as I skid across the pavement. I hear cars around me, honking and people screaming and yelling to call 911. I can feel the puddle of blood forming under my face, pain souring throughout my whole body.

I suddenly think of Abigail and how she would be without me. I feel somebody slowly turning my body over and picking me up. I'm set on a what I think is a stretcher and a mask is put over my face. The stinging feeling in my whole face is horrible and I feel like I have a bad case of razor burn or carpet burn.

I try opening my eyes and I do, seeing paramedics surround me.

"Sir! Sir! Stay with us! Keep your eyes open!" one of them says frantically. My whole body aches and I have the feeling of no feeling, rushing up my legs.

"Sir! What's your name?" another paramedic asks and I open my mouth, a strangled cry leaving my lips instead of words. I look in the corner of the bus and see Faith sitting there, watching on.

"Come with me Tony. Everything will be over and you'll be okay." she says and I cough. My eyes close and I take my last breath before my heart gives out and I join Faith and Mitch.

*Abigail's point of view*

I lay in my father's bed, the covers strewn over me and Mike, Jaime, and Vic sitting around me. Vic holds a bowl of freshly made Ramen Noodles but I don't feel like eating. Why eat when you're going to die anyways?

"Come on Abigail. You need to eat." Vic begs and I shake my head. I've layed here for about two days now, sulking over my dad's death. His funeral is in two days and I honestly don't know if I can go. I'm weak, ate nothing or drank anything in the past two days. I just feel ready to give up and be with my mom and dad.

Why do you have to lose the people you love? Why do people have to die? Why can't you just live a happy life and never have to worry about dying? It would be so much better and people wouldn't have to live through the hurt and sorrow. People wouldn't be depressed if their loved ones just lived. Why did dad have to go? What did he do to ever piss off the world? Why did you have to take my daddy away from me world? Why? What did I do to deserve this? Was it the smoking? If so, I'll stop. Please, just bring him back. Please. I need him here. Please.

I'm pulled out of my thoughts when the bedroom door opens and Thomas walks in.

"Can we be alone?" he asks quietly and they all nod. Vic sets the bowl on the bedside table and they all leave. Thomas walks over, discarding his shoes and crawling in bed beside me. I instantly curl into his side, burying my face in his chest as the tears come back.

"Its okay. Everything will be okay." he whispers and pulls me closer. My heart aches and my body is weak.

"W-Why him..?" I croak, my voice hoarse and shaky.

"Its a part of life. We all lose the people we love." Thomas answers and I sob, fisting his shirt.

Why did I have to lose the person I love most? Why did he have to be taken from me? Just, why..?

A/N: Okay guys. Today in class, we watched a couple videos on texting and driving and this is where I got the main idea from. Don't text and drive. It can cause so many deaths. That text can wait. It's not important. If it was important, then you could call the person. Keep your eyes on the road and hands on the steering wheel. Put your phone away and drive properly. It is preventable and you can prevent many deaths. Just, don't text and drive, please.


Baby Perry (Pierce The Veil fan fiction)(Sequel to I Needed You!) *COMPLETED*Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora