Chapter Eleven

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A/N: Okay. We're skipping time. Hope you guys enjoy it! Also, skipping ten years would mean that Abigail is fifteen!

*Abigail's point of view*

*Ten years later*

I roll around, trying to get comfortable and go back to sleep but I can't. I slowly get up, making my way downstairs to the kitchen. I see dad sitting at the dining room table on his phone with Uncle Vic, Uncle Mike, and Uncle Jaime sitting around him.

"What should we do today?" Jaime asks, plopping a grape in his mouth.

"I don't know. Maybe go to the movies?" Vic suggests and I pour a bowl of cereal for myself. I put milk in it and sit beside Jaime, eating.

"What do you want to do Abigail?" dad asks looking down at me.

"I'm gonna go hang out with Thomas. You guys do whatever." I say, taking another bite.

"Ooh. Does somebody like Thomas Carlile?" Jaime asks wiggling his eyebrows at me. I smirk nodding at him.

"Mhm. Hottest guy in school if you ask me, but the catch is, none of the popular girls like him. So, I mean, they'll leave us alone." I say and dad huffs.

"Be safe. And be home before midnight please." dad says and I nod. Thomas Carlile is Austin Carlile's son. Looks almost exactly like him. We're the same age but what Austin didn't know is that some girl was pregnant with Thomas when my mom was pregnant with me.

"Welp, I'm gonna go get dressed and text him. I think we're going to just walk around." I say and dad nods. It's December and we're on Christmas break. Three weeks off!

I get in the shower, quickly cleaning up before climbing out. I pull on a pair of tights, one of my mom's old Pierce The Veil sweaters, and a pair of black Uggs. I quickly put on foundation, cat eye eyeliner, mascara, some neutral eyeshadow, and a little bit lip gloss. I brush out my almost black hair, situating my bangs across my forehead. I smile, grabbing my phone and running downstairs. I dial Thomas' number as I sit on the couch.

"Yes lovely." he answers after four rings.

"Hi Thomas. You still wanna hang out?" I ask, butterflies erupting in my stomachs I hear him chuckle.

"Of course. I was actually on my way to your house." he says and I smile.

"Where you at?" I ask.

"On your front porch." he says and I jump up, opening the front door, and being greeted by the black haired kid I've come to so dearly like.

"I'm leaving with Thomas dad!" I call out and hear him grunt.

"Be careful! Watch out for her Thomas!" dad calls out and Thomas smiles.

"Lets go." he says, taking my hand and pulling me along.

"How has Christmas break been for you?" I ask as we walk along the sidewalk, snow slowly falling around us.

"Its's been hard." he says quietly looking down.

"How has Austin been?" I ask and he looks down at me.

"H-He well, he's been hanging out with Alan a lot. They've been smoking some too." he admits and I shake my head.

"Everything will be okay. I promise. You're fifteen. You'll get out of it soon." I say looking up at him. He shakes his head, tears forming in his eyes.

"Abby, he threw a vase at me last night and it almost hit me.." he whispers. (A/N: Okay. Don't go all "Austin would never do that to his kid! Don't say that you stupid who're!" on me. It is all for the book. He would never do that, I know this.) I cup his face in my hands and pull him close.

"I'm here for you. I promise. Please don't do anything stupid." I whisper and he sobs. I wrap my arms around his neck, stroking his hair.

"I just want him back." he sobs and I shake my head. Austin is still taking it hard over my mom's passing and well, I guess just me being around makes it all worse.

"T-This is my fault.." I whisper and he pulls away shaking his head.

"Don't think that. It's nobody's fault. What your mom did, nobody knew." he says.

"It haunts me to this day Thomas. I was 5, I even remember asking her about 'the marks on her arms'." I say looking down.

"Exactly. You were 5. You didn't know what it was." he says and I nod.

"I suppose." I mumble looking up at him.

"Did I ever tell you how beautiful you look?" he asks and I smile.

"You might've said it a few times." I say and he chuckles.

"Thomas, I-I really like you.." I say and he nods.

"I like you too. I have since fourth grade." he says chuckling.

"Gosh. Fourth grade was so much fun!" I say and laugh.

"Yes it was." he says nodding. He dips his head down, pressing his lips softly to mine. My first kiss, my first ever kiss with the person I like.

I kiss back, our lips moving in sync. He pulls away to soon and smiles, caressing my cheek.

"Be mine?" he asks, breathing heavily.

"Of course." I say smiling and he leans back in for another kiss.

A/N: AHHHHHHHHH. HOLY SHIT. SHE'S GROWING UP. Anyways, like it? Comment and tell me so!


Baby Perry (Pierce The Veil fan fiction)(Sequel to I Needed You!) *COMPLETED*Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora