Part Two

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As I was walking back home, I was thinking about what I could do to possibly show the boys families that I cared and remembered today but I had no idea what to do but I knew my mother would know. She always has good ideas.

Eventually, after walking for what seemed like hours which was a slight exaggeration, I was only walking for around five minutes but my shoes were hurting my feet so it seemed forever before I got home. I put my key into the door and turned it resulting in my front door opening. I took out my key carefully and walked into the house closing the door behind myself. "mum!" I yelled while placing my keys on the hook by the front door. "in the kitchen!" I heard her yell. Taking off my coat I hanged it up on the coat rack before walking towards the kitchen to see my mother.

She was placing food into containers being curious, I walked over and leant on the counter and watched as she continued doing what she was doing. "What are you doing mum?" I asked her. She looked at me. "I have made some food for Luke's, Calum's, Michael's and Ashton's parents dear," She said and smiled at me.

"Oh, I was going to ask you what I could do to show them that I hadn't forgotten about them and that I cared," I said helping my mum to put the lids on the containers and placing them into bags. "That's nice dear but I had the same idea too, I hadn't forgotten how could you forget about the disappearance of them?" My mum asked before continuing to place lids onto the containers.

"I didn't think you would be back so soon after all it is Ciara's birthday," Mum said to me, "yeah well I decided to come back," I say leaving out the real reason behind me being back so soon. "let me guess you couldn't celebrate Ciara's birthday because of what day it also is," Mum said to me, eyebrows raised. See she knew anyway, she knew me too well. "Yeah something like that," I say adjusting my leaning position. "so did the others remember?" Mum asked me. 

"No, only when I said something," I say, mum, nodded her head.

"not many people seem to remember. I mean I went to the supermarket this morning and I didn't hear one word mentioned about the boys or their disappearances it's like everyone has forgotten. How could they forget when it could have been their children?" Mum said shaking her head afterwards. "I don't know, I guess some people just get on with their own lives and don't care about others," I say, not knowing what to say to my mum really.

"Well, at least I and you care dear. So would you like to help me take this food to the boy's houses?" She asked me. "sure why not, I haven't got anything else to do," I say standing up straight and grabbing two of the bags and walking out of the kitchen followed by my mum who also was carrying two of the bags. "I'll get my car keys" I hear her say from behind me. "I'll meet you at the car," I say before heading towards the front door, opening it and walking down to the car carrying the bags in my hands.

We had taken the food to Michael's and Ashton's house already which they were very grateful for and invited us into their houses for a beverage. Feeling rude not to have one, I always asked for a tea which they were made lovely. I and my mother were on our way to Calum's house as my mum was driving in her car. Arriving at his house, we were shocked, to say the least, to see his house had a for sale sign but it had 'SOLD' across it. 
They had moved house? 

Why would they do that, when there could be a slight chance Calum could return?

Did they give up?

Had they lost hope?

"They have moved house..." I started to say but stopped when my mother told me to get back in the car. I did so, closing the door and placing the food bag at my feet as I put on my seatbelt and then held the food bag which I had taken from my mother so she could drive.

IOD || LRHOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora