Part Twenty

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"Josh? Is that you? I thought you were dead!"

"Well, you're looking good for a dead person or should I say for a vampire?" Josh spat.

 Yn's POV.


How was Josh still alive?

 How could he be alive when Luke told me he was dead, how was it possible? 

Unless, unless Luke lied to me, but why would he lie to me about all my friends being dead if they weren't?

I felt Luke's arm go around my waist and pull me into his side. I looked at him and he had the same look, the look he had days ago the look of care and protection which I didn't understand at the time how a vampire could look at a human-like that, but yet again he had that look. I looked forward to seeing everyone looking at me.

I couldn't help but look at Josh not that he wasn't attractive, he was but I wasn't looking at him in admiration, I was looking at him to see if he was still human or a vampire. I tilted my head to the side as I looked at him. He was looking at me, he glanced looking at Luke then his gaze was back on me. He smirked then looked back at the master, Kai.

"You're looking a little shocked there Luke, shocked to see me alive especially how you told the master here to kill me?" Josh said to Luke. Luke told Kai to kill Josh, why would he do that? Shaking my head, I turned to look at Luke. "It isn't as bad as it's made out to be," He said to me. "Right because I'm standing here being told that someone, that someone is you told some fucking older vampire to kill my friend. Why would you do that?" I yelled at him.

"Less of the old, sweetheart," Kai said. "Less of the sweetheart, if you please," I said sarcastically before focusing my attention back on Luke. "Why?" "Why does it matter, he's still a fucking alive. It shouldn't matter" Luke said then rolled his eyes.

"I guess he does have a point, yn. I'm alive, why should it matter? Oh right, you lied that's what's important here, Luke. Why would you lie about me being alive? Unless you wanted her all to yourself!" Josh spat.

"Isn't it obvious why Luke wanted her all to himself" Connor spoke for the first time. Everyone including myself turned to look at him, Connor looked around. "Well please do go on with your little theory, Connor" Kai instructed.

"It doesn't matter what his fucking theory is because I don't care. What I did back then is done, so what, I told Kai to kill Josh, big deal. He's still alive, why should it matter?" Luke said, I turned to look at him and removed his arm from around my waist and took a step back as I looked at him.

"Because it matters to me, he's my friend. I cared about him, you knew that. You said you would help me find him but you found him but yet you said to me he was dead. But now, I find out he wasn't but you asked him" I pointed at the master, Kai. " To kill him, why would you do that!? Why would you lie to me? Why would you be such a bastard and do such a thing!" I yelled at him.

"Yeah Luke, why would you do such a thing?"

"Oh, shut up Josh" Luke snapped at him.

"Don't tell him to shut up. You have no right to tell him to shut up." I said aggressively. Luke walked closer, I didn't move. I stood still. He was soon standing right in front of me.

"Look, I know I lied-"

"I think we all know you lied Luke, but that doesn't matter to me. It doesn't matter to any of us apart from maybe Yn. Let's be honest, we all know the reason why you lied to her Luke. You wanted yn to yourself, we get that but now we have a problem. She's the only girl vampire on the island" Kai said.

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