Part Twenty Five

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End Of Twenty Four:

" you're brave to come to fight me alone, Luke," Kai said to the blonde who stood infront of him, ready to fight him even though the odds were definitely against him. Kai wasn't alone he was joined by Dan and the Bvs.

" At least I'm not afraid to fight alone, you have to have the Bvs here and this sad excuse of a vampire to fight your battles" Luke spat back at Kai, who only grinned back at him.

" oh, I'm not afraid. I'm anything but afraid. I'm certain I could win against you even if you're alone or have your friends with you. You see Luke, you might be strong but I will always have the upper hand when it comes to you. I don't have any weakness but you" Kai stopped speaking as he pushed Luke hard on the chest to make him going flying back and hit the sand.

" You have weaknesses, or should I say one in particular that goes by the name of YN" Kai snickered at Luke's reaction. Luke's eyes went red as he looked at Kai who was now grinning.

" You know when she's mine right, I'll have my way with her and when we have a little boy vampire. I'll be sure to name him after you Luke, just to remind me of this moment in time when you thought you could kill me but instead I killed you!"

Part Twenty-Five:

Luke started laughing at Kai's latest words, he stared at the vampire as he laughed. "You actually think, she would touch you if anything happened to me?" Luke said in between laughs. " ahh Kai, you must think highly of yourself if you think she would lower her standards to go for you after she's been with me," He added.

Kai just grinned," well, at least if she wants a child I'll be able to give her one unlike you, you won't be able to because you're going to be dead before you even have the chance." Kai said making Luke grin again. "And you don't think I haven't already had the chance, huh?" Luke said tilting his head to the side as he looked at Kai with a cocky grin.

Luke watched as Kai's face began to change, his fangs showing and his eyes changing to the good old crimson red colour." Aw, is the master feeling angry? That his somewhat plan has failed before it's started," Luke mocked as Kai took one step forward glancing at his used to be blood bank.

"You don't know how much I want to kill you, changing you was the worst decision I've ever made. I should've just killed you that day I found you lying there on the sand but no I thought I saw potential. What was I thinking? Now the creator has to destroy his own creation. Shame really, you could've been big and stood by my side as we ruled this island."

Luke cocked his eyebrow as he looked at Kai, who was clearly delusional if he ever thought Luke would stand by his side as he ruled the island. " Are you crazy? I would never stand by your side, ever!"

Kai just snickered," I know, I know you wouldn't as you seem to have somewhat pride in that head of yours. Sometimes I wonder if it's because those friends were still with you, holding you back from reaching the potential I knew you had but who cares anymore, potential or no potential that isn't going to stop me from killing you."

"To be honest you're all talk and no action Kai, you've had plenty of chances to kill me or my friends seeing as they've been keeping me from fulfilling my potential as you say. So Kai, why haven't you acted already? Scared or do you just like your followers doing your dirty work for you?" Luke said watching Kai as he clicked his fingers - a sign obviously to Dan who had started to move from his previous position and moved forward to stand by Kai's side.

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