Part Eight

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 Third Person POV.

"You're next, what the hell," Sonny said out loud breaking the silence that fell between the four of them after reading the sign. They didn't want to end up on IOD but they did, it wasn't any of their faults they ended up on the island. It wasn't their fault that the boat's engine failed or that they hit a storm. It was unfortunate events that saw the four of them on the Island of Disappearances.

"Am I the only one who is slightly worried about the fact we're on IOD? IOD being the island the boys disappeared on?" Ciara asked looking at the others one by one. "Your not the only one" Yn said quietly biting on her bottom lip, being nervous as she looked around the island.

"I really don't like this I want to go home," Ciara said, yn looked at her to see her best friend on the urge of tears from being scared. Wouldn't you be, if you found out you were on the same island that four boys and two police officers disappeared on? "I think we all are, Ciara," Yn said softly,  "I mean what sick person would leave a sign saying we're on IOD. That wasn't there when we got off the boat, was it?" Sonny said then asked about the boat.

Unknown POV

"Hey, they think you're sick,"  I said looking at my master.  He just smiled at me and the others."They haven't seen anything yet have they master" One of the others snickered while looking at our master.

"It's just the beginning boys" The master laughed evilly. "Come on let's go, boys, you know the others only think we come out at night, we don't want to disappoint," Master said, "yes master," We all said in sync, before running away without being heard.

Third Person POV.

" I can't remember seeing it," Yn said answering Sonny's question. "Neither did I," Josh said speaking up for the first time after seeing the sign. "This can't be IOD we would know. We can't be on that island, we can't be which means we won't go home. We will disappear as Luke, Calum, Michael and Ashton did! I don't want to disappear and not see my family again" Sonny said, really quickly.

"Geez Sonny come up for air mate," Josh said looking at Sonny.

"This has to be a sick joke, alright. It has to be. We aren't on IOD. We aren't, just because there is a stupid piece of fucking wood with it on doesn't mean we are on the island" Sonny said speaking rather quickly again. "Then explain Luke's phone being here," Yn said, Sonny looked at her. "Sonny I know it's scary and I think we're all scared inside like you are but we need to face the facts we're on IOD," Ciara said moving closer to the others.

"Face the facts? You need to face the facts that we are never going to get off this island, we're going to disappear like the boys did and no one will know where we are or come looking for us because everyone was told not to come out by this island and what did we do? Just that" Sonny snapped, finally letting his nerves and the fact he was scared to take over his reactions.

"Sonny it will be alright. We will find a way to get home" Josh said to him. Sonny looked at him with an 'are you serious' look. "Do you never listen to people Josh? the boys and two police officers disappeared on this island and went missing we're going to go the same way?" Sonny said as he started walking shaking his head. "I knew this was a bad idea" He muttered.

"Sonny don't walk away again. We need to stay together" Ciara said. "I know but I'm not staying here when that sign is there reminding me that we're on this island," Sonny said continuing to walk and not looking back.  "He's got a point," YN said and started to follow him. Ciara and Josh looked at each other before following not wanting to be left behind. They had to stay together.

Yn's Point Of View.

It felt like we had been walking for ages, walking through the sand. The sand kept going into my shoe which meant I had to keep stopping to get it out so it didn't annoy me more. Sonny got annoyed but let's be honest he's been annoyed ever since he found out we were on IOD.

I know he was scared but he didn't have to take it out on us three, we were scared too. We weren't going to get off this island, are we? I thought to myself. "How long are we going to keep walking for my feet are tired" Ciara complained her pace slowing down as her feet were aching. We had been walking for a while seeing nothing new, just sand and more sand. I was sick of seeing sand.

"We are going to keep walking till we find someone," Sonny said, removing his jacket and tying it around his waist. We all kept moving, despite slowly each one of us was getting tired and started to slow down.

Without water we were feeling the dehydration starting to take over our bodies, the thirst becoming a disadvantage to us as the more we walked, the more tired we were getting and the more we needed water or at least something to drink.

"I'm so thirsty," I say my tongue running over my used to be dry lips which were now wet from my saliva. "Me too," Ciara said. "If only we didn't leave the backpacks on the boat," Josh said hearing Sonny scoff. "No, because apparently to someone leaving them on the boat would be a good idea because we wouldn't need them as we would head back to the boat. Oh look no boat, no backpack" Sonny said sarcastically.

"Stop with the sarcasm Sonny, you're really starting to get on my nerves," Josh said getting annoyed by Sonny's attitude and behaviour. "Well I'm sorry but I'm saying what everyone is probably thinking right now. How stupid were we for thinking about getting a boat and going to that island because now we have ended up here and you know what? I blame you" Sonny spat at Josh.

"You blame me. We all agreed to come here so don't you even dare blame it on me, Sonny." Josh yelled. I and Ciara stood there as they kept throwing comments at each other but soon one of us, being me had to step in as they were literally a couple of seconds away from punching each other as their fists started to clench.

"Right that's it," I said standing in between them. "We don't need this right now, we don't need both of you trying to beat each other up. So apologise right now" I say putting my foot down with them both as I knew if I didn't, they would continue. "I'm not apologising to him when I haven't done anything wrong," Sonny said, Josh scoffed and crossed his arms while shaking his head at Sonny. "You were blaming me. It's not my fault we ended up here. I didn't cause the storm or make the boat engine break"

"No, but you wanted to go to that island so I blame you. I blame you that I might not see my family again. I blame you and I can't stand to be next to you right now" Sonny said and with that he walked away, turning to look at Josh he had gone the opposite way. I and Ciara split, Ciara going after Sonny and me going after Josh.

Unknown POV

"I don't know about you but I smell blood"

"You're just smelling things again. No one is on this island but us"

"Man I'm hungry," Another said licking his lips that had dry blood on them. He looked down at his ripped NASA shirt that covered his upper body. "They ripped my favourite fuckin' shirt!" 

"I can smell it, I can smell blood too," The blonde-haired boy said while his tongue flickered over his lip ring.

"Oh shut the fuck up Luke, no one asked you to speak" The second eldest of the four-spoke up."Let us hope the master doesn't hear you say that to me because he won't be happy" Luke grinned at Michael.   

Michael scoffed. "You're just his blood source, you're nothing special Hemmings" He spat at the blonde. The blonde placed his hand over his neck to feel the marks the master left on his neck. 

"I never said I was, but he said I'm the special one here so suck on that"  Luke spat at him, Michael's eyes went red as his fangs replaced his teeth. "Guys seriously fucking stop it, the smell is getting closer," Ashton said snapping at them both. Luke, Calum, Michael grinned as they leant against the walls of the shack, loving the smell of blood drifting up their nostrils. Michael and Luke forgetting about their argument as they focused on something more important, blood. They could smell it and it smelt bloody delicious.

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