Part Fourteen

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 Yn's Point Of View Continued

I still don't understand how he was looking at me with affection and care, how could he? He was a vampire for heaven sakes it didn't make sense, he wasn't alive so he couldn't feel. He couldn't feel or have thoughts could he, so how was he looking at me like that? It was driving me crazy to think of a reason why or less there wasn't a reason behind it maybe just maybe I was seeing things, maybe I was seeing Luke look at me that way because my eyes and my mind were playing tricks. I mean that was the only explanation I could come up with as to why Luke looked at me like that. Luke Hemmings was a cold-hearted bloodsucker he couldn't feel or care about someone now and he definitely didn't care about me. 

Then why hasn't he killed me already? I then thought. 

"Where are you taking me anyway?"  I ask again hoping to get an answer to where he was taking me seeing as he said he wasn't going to kill me, I did wonder where he was going to take me.  "Somewhere safe" He replied, I raised my eyebrow at him while standing up and brushing myself down to try to remove the sand from my clothes, it didn't work much. 

"Somewhere safe?, how can there be a place that is safe on an island full of vampires," I say sarcastically. Luke looked at me with a look that made my body shiver, he was obviously not amused or happy by my sarcasm. " Just follow me," He said coldly before walking off ahead, looking forward he was already far ahead. 

Sighing I started following him, I don't know why I was when he could be leading me to a death trap but as he said already he wasn't going to kill me and it made me think that maybe he was going to let someone else kill me but if that was correct, why did he protect me from Drake?

I continued to follow him, I wasn't going to walk fast I wasn't going to waste my energy as I never know when I might need it. Luke was still walking ahead, far ahead damn vampires and their speed.  "You know I can't walk that fast, I'm not a vampire if you have forgotten"  I yell getting annoyed as Luke wasn't slowing down.  Luke had stopped walking and turned around rapidly to look at me with a grin. "Well walk faster, I'm sure you're capable of it," He said amused then continued to walk ahead again.

I huffed and continued to walk while glaring at the back of Luke's head. "I hope you're feeling the burn right now," I say only to hear him chuckle. "That the best you got sweetie?" He asked me. He was still walking ahead, I tried my hardest as I followed him not to look at his ass but I couldn't help it, it was in my line of view after all. He has a nice ass.

"Did I actually just say that?" I say out loud to myself. "Did you say what?" Luke asked from far ahead. "Nothing!" I yelled back. 

 I hated how he could walk so quick and not get out of breath or it didn't give him a stitch like it was starting to do to me. After all, I hadn't had water in so long which was making it harder.  I was starting to dehydrate now, I didn't know how much longer I could go on without water before I collapsed to the floor with major dehydration. 

"Hope you're keeping up sweetie" Luke yelled back to me,  I could tell by his tone that he found it amusing. I felt like shouting at him but I no longer had the energy to do that. "Don't call me that" I said quietly.

My legs were hurting now and starting to get weak. My lips were bone dry, my throat was even drier and getting sore from the lack of fluids that hadn't been received. My body was getting weaker and weaker by the second, every step I took felt like it was taking so much energy to do so. It was hurting me, every step was slowly killing my bones. 

I took around three more steps I think before I knew something was wrong as I couldn't walk anymore, my body was too tired. Too tired to go on, I felt my legs go from under me. I managed to quietly yell out Luke's name.  "Luke!" 

My eyes closed and I really expected to hit the sand but surprisingly I didn't,  I didn't even hit the ground it felt like I was being held by somebodies arms stopping me from dropping any lower. I thought it might have been Luke but I wasn't too sure. However, my thought was confirmed when I heard Luke say, " Don't worry, I got you, sweetie". I really wish he wouldn't call me that.

That was the last thing I heard before my body fully shut down and I fell asleep after all I was tired as well as hungry, thirsty and heartbroken at the memory of my best friend dying in front of my own eyes.

Third Persons POV

Luke carried her in his arms all the way to the safe place where he knew she would be safe away from the other vampires that were a lot worse than himself and his friends. They were more dangerous than Luke and his friends, that is why whenever they were about they would always hide well try to anyway to avoid facing them but they weren't always that lucky, sometimes they came face to face with them and Luke hated that especially as he was the master's special one.

Those vampires came out during the night that is why Luke was heading towards the safe place with yn knowing as soon as it started to get dark, sooner or later they would come out and it wasn't safe for vampires like Luke never mind humans. That is what Luke thought, but he was wrong. 

He wanted to get there before the other vampires came out, they were really bad but not as bad as the master or the bv's. They were really dangerous.  Luke knew, so did the boys. Yn didn't of course and neither did her friends. Luke hoped that the other vampires, the master and the bvs didn't come across yn because she wouldn't able to deal with them. 

She had already met Drake one of the vampires, but not the vampires that worked under the master, there were three of them. Drake was nothing compared to them. Luke wanted to protect her from them as long as he could even from his friends if he had too. Why? He didn't really know the answer to that, he just felt the need to protect her even though he was a vampire.  He just needed to protect her at any cost but  Luke didn't question it because it felt right to him somehow but he didn't know why. Why did he feel the need to protect her when really he should want to be sucking her blood and killing her? 

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